Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Today I want to talk about life in the city and in the country

Today I want to talk about life in the city and in the country. I will be based mainly on my own ideas and on the experience of friends, because I was in the village only once.

Life in the village has always attracted me very much. After I visited the Siberian village about 4 years ago, I often remember this trip and miss it, because I highlighted the advantages of living in a village. The most important plus for me is silence and cosiness. When you live in a city for many years silence seems impossible. There you can hear only the singing of birds and the distant sounds of cows, sheep and other animals grazing in the meadow. It is inspiring and calming. The main disadvantage for me is that it is very boring to live there for a long time. There are no shopping centers, parks, or entertainment facilities.

Life in the city is very rich and bright. Here you can find any entertainment you like. And also, almost all spheres of society are developed here, for example, medicine. This is the main plus for me. And there are a lot more people living here. You can meet new people every day and spend time with them. But at the same time, due to the large number of people, the city has a high level of crime and danger. I am often afraid to walk alone in the evening or get into a taxi. This is a huge disadvantage of living in the city.

If I chose where to live, I would still prefer the city. I am still very young and I want to develop, study and work. There are many opportunities and jobs here. But I think that a short rest in the village will not hurt everyone.

In conclusion, I want to say that it seems to me that it doesn't matter where you live, because it is not the place that adorns the person, but the person who adorns the place (Russian proverb). If you want, you can always change your place of residence. The main thing is that you love this place and do not spoil it, but only decorate it.