Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The prince Hamlet was the sole heir to the King of Denmark

He studied at the university and was a very educated man for his time.
Hamlet's speeches were full of various life observations that have become a kind of aphorisms. The hero reasoned on eternal topics: life and death, man and society, love and deceit, friendship and betrayal. Upon returning home, Hamlet was struck by his uncle’s treachery, who, just two months after the death of Hamlet's father, got married to the king's widow and became the new king of Denmark.
Subsequently, the ghost of Hamlet’s father told to the prince that his uncle Claudius killed his father. Hamlet swore to avenge his father and promised not to harm his mother.
Hamlet's task was not to kill the king at all, but to expose him, to prove to everyone his guilt, and only after that to punish him.
First, he had organized with roving actors a play to show how his father was killed.
After giving instructions to the actors, he reflected alone. He would have to know exactly about the crime. Hamlet expressed all doubts in his famous monologue. His father’s killer had become the king and received power, an army and numerous courtiers. Therefore, if Hamlet punishes the king, he would have to sacrifice his life. Thus, the hero faced a choice: to fight against an unjust society or to leave things the way they were then.
During the scene of the assassination, Claudius gave himself away. Hamlet’s final decision was to take the fight and complete the revenge plan.
However, he could not kill the despicable king, having met him during his praying. The Prince considered this situation unworthy to complete his plan at that time.
Hamlet was afraid that his uncle was going to kill him like his father, and that's why he pretended to be crazy.
During a conversation with his mother, he killed Polonius, mistaking him for Claudius. Because of a duel with Laertes, who was being avenged his father Polonius, and other events, Laertes, the queen, the king and Hamlet died.
Hamlet was buried with honors as a warrior who fulfilled his debt of honor.