Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The importance of management in modern society

Modern society is characterized by a qualitatively new development of the economy in comparison with past social formations. But if you get to the bottom of it, the new economy is not a technological revolution at all, but a human revolution. Technology only allows people to interact with each other faster and more intelligently.

Аlso, Modern society is characterized by a rapid increase in the number of various processes in all spheres of society, as well as the increasing speed of their flow. Under such conditions, management begins to play a peculiar role of "cement of society" as a set of coordination mechanisms, cooperation and integration tools.

It is management in all areas, from individual business structures to the state and interstate regulation, that avoids chaos and spontaneity.

As already shown in the previous section, it is the development of management that is a necessary condition for the development of public relations.

The General consensus is that management effectiveness will play a persistent and crucial role as organizations begin to adapt to the new types of business that can successfully exist in the global world of the new economy. But globalization, while providing economic structures with the resources of the entire planet , is generally limited. Therefore, the effectiveness of management as a science of managing available resources and human resources is at the forefront.

At the same time, management turns to face the person with their needs, opportunities, and requests.

This can be viewed as follows. In order for organizations to grow and thrive, they need to knowingly support the active exchange of ideas in their field of business, and allow people who don't know each other to share their thoughts and professional experience. To make all this work, the company needs more than installing the Lotus Notes program at every workplace. We need to create a work climate in which the desire to share ideas is something that goes without saying for employees. The field of human resources, with its long history of helping people develop their skills and meet their growing expectations, is a part of the business for which you need to take special responsibility.

To find and select employees, more and more wise websites are being created, and they are like a kind of "grid", catching the right specialists.

As for staff turnover, everything is used to combat it - the ability to create complex programs for career promotion of employees and building role structures; compensation schemes, opportunities for training and professional development. Some organizations also use new technologies to keep track of their former employees and keep in touch with them on a regular basis. Organizations that develop such approaches say that they are able to bring back former employees when important projects need to recruit additional staff.

Where employees at all levels demand greater transparency from their companies, technology allows human resource management professionals to not only publicly report what is happening, but also to purposefully adapt news about events to the personal needs of employees. To the question "what does this mean for me personally?" it's much easier to get an answer now than before. Human resource managers can also use technology to quickly inform managers and supervisors of new situations that arise, with full assurance that the exact same message will be transmitted to all interested parties, regardless of who is located where.

The entire system should be interactive so that employees can ask questions and get answers quickly. On this basis, the Manager should be able to quickly develop the relevant services both on the Internet and in the corporate LAN. Such a Manager will need staff who will not only control the source information, but also act as a center for analyzing and synthesizing all input information. Some organizations have paid dearly for the knowledge that the lack of proper control over information flows on the Internet and in the internal corporate network can lead to very serious problems, especially in cases where false messages are widely distributed in the business community. The Manager can and should play this role to ensure that the content of the website and any other content meets the company's standards and criteria.

Everything points to the fact that in many current and future organizations, the Manager is increasingly following events in his actions. Human resources are becoming more and more important commodity resources, and work within organizations must become more and more strategic. Identifying future resource needs, consulting on staffing issues, and a deep understanding of human resources policy in firms - this is what will be expected from specialists in the field of human resources management as companies are drawn into the struggle for survival in the new global economy.

Within this strategic perspective, practical experience in human resource management will also be required to find new ways to organize work. More and more people are demanding a flexible approach to their work. The ability to work outside of the workplace, but at home or in other places, is increasingly becoming a key issue in the organization's activities. The human resources Manager's assistance in explaining these needs to organizations and in finding ways to apply appropriate technologies to meet them is increasingly Central to human resources management.

The effectiveness of managers can be reduced by characteristic shortcomings: concern about what, in fact, should not be done;

the underestimation of their role;

lack of understanding that the Manager's activity as a team leader is becoming more and more important.

The disadvantages also include: the desire to get a higher salary and other material benefits to the detriment of the interests of the business; the Desire for external attributes, symbols of power (home, office, car, etc.);

Taking care of your own career to the detriment of the interests of your subordinates, appropriating the merits of others;

Self-isolation (loss of interest in subordinates, their need and care);

Hiding your thoughts, feelings, and emotions from employees.

A Manager's code of honor, which is a set of beliefs and rules of conduct. Management is not only a profession, but also a way of thinking, activity, and life. The Manager is the Creator of a specific business situation. He does not wait, once creates favorable conditions for him to work, but creates these conditions himself. No gain is worth pursuing at any cost. The Manager categorically refrains from participating in an illegal case and will do everything possible to prevent it.

Let's look at what is most characteristic of managerial thought-both in theoretical and practical terms-today, in the third Millennium.

First, it is the internationalization of management, the collective understanding of new realities generated by the deepening of the international division of labor, the growth of competition and interdependence in the world economy, the development of transnational corporations, the creation of international information systems and other structures. With the publication of a huge number of works on management, the dissemination of management training programs available to millions of people, the generalization of management experience from different countries through surveys, the development of "situations", wide international contacts of scientists and practitioners, managerial wisdom becomes available to all who need it.

Second, the peculiarity of recent years is the increasing appeal to common sense, simple truths, well-digested recipes that are accessible to understanding and use by those who bear the heavy burden of management or who embark on this path. Management, as a science, in all its diversity develops its own way and has great prospects. However, at present, even the General public is showing great interest in management ideas and recipes for effective management. This is, of course, not without the influence of lively and interesting books written on this topic by authors such as D. Carnegie, W. Ouchi, R. Waterman, memoirs of L. Iacocca-President of the automobile giant "Chrysler", A. Morita - President and one of the founders of the electronic company" Sony " and a number of others. There was even a term "bestseller management", similar to" goal management "and"deviation management".

So, management at the current stage of public relations plays a key role in the organization and management of all parts of society. In this case, the Manager plays the role of not only a Manager, but also a carrier of information, an adviser, etc.


  1. https://studwood.ru/2077695/menedzhment/rol_menedzhmenta_sovremennom_obschestve
  2. https://www.referat911.ru/Menedjment/znachenie-menedzhmenta-v-sovremennom-obshhestve/185655-2305827-place2.html