Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The first day at work

My first working day My first job was far from my specialty! Many of those whom I know were embarrassed by this type of activity. However, I believe that this is a wealth of experience not only in the service sector, but also experience in communicating with people, which is no exception in my specialty. Therefore, I will try not to miss many of the interesting moments of my first working day at McDonald's as a "Member of the restaurant brigade." And so, the story of my first working day at McDonald's: There were several of us, about 10, I want to note that on the first working day, of these 10, more than half quit. First, we all signed a contract, which dealt with working hours, the number of days off per week and some rules of the restaurant, which are mandatory for everyone. I admit honestly, it was not at all fun, but even vice versa: a large number of papers that need to be re-read, signed, re-read, provided to the manager for verification ... it seemed like it took forever. The signing of the papers was completed somewhere in about two hours, after which led us inside, where only the restaurant staff had access. We were brought to the "rest room", the name of the room where the staff is resting during the lunch break. I want to note that the room is very comfortable: a soft sofa, a TV, a comfortable table, a music player. On the walls there are many handmade newspapers, posters, photographs from staff parties (I will talk about them later). So, we were sitting in this room, the main manager went somewhere, immediately those who were at a break at that time spoke to us, talked about the restaurant, about the team, answered our questions. The first impression was wonderful: calm managers, a wonderful friendly team, real smiles on their faces when they talked to us. They gave us a uniform if there were problems with the size, they gave us another one. After that, we had a “mini-tour” inside the restaurant, introduced us to the whole team: the director, deputy director, other managers, then everyone who worked at that time time in the kitchen and at the service. They also talked about the rule of “washing hands”, explained that every half an hour you need to wash your hands with a special antibacterial solution, marking on a special board for “washing your hands”, it was the manager’s responsibility to check these notes and make comments to those who do not follow them! After that, we were assigned: whom they sent to work in the hall, whom in the kitchen, me and my partner, as I still call him, were put on potatoes. It was a horror. Too high temperature and continuous operation during the last five working hours. But in spite of everything, the attention on the part of people who always tried to help me during this difficult work played a big role in my understanding of this institution! The 50% discount on the restaurant’s products also made a positive impression. Also, there were five minutes that could be taken during the whole working day, mainly just to sit down and drink water, because I didn’t want anything else but that. When I arrived home after the first working day, I just fell onto the bed and woke up the next morning. So it was a few more nights in a row.