Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The Adventures of Oliver Twist

At the center of the plot of the novel "The Adventures of Oliver Twist," we see a boy who faced ungrateful reality. He 's been an orphan since the first minutes of his life. Not only was Oliver deprived of all the benefits of normal existence, but he also grew up very alone, defenceless to unfair participation.

Usually Dickens did not focus on the inhuman conditions in which the poor of that time lived, t considered that poverty itself was not as scary as other people 's indifference to this category of people. It was because of such misperceptions by society that the poor suffered, as they were doomed to eternal humiliation, deprivation and wandering. After all, work houses, the creation of which was conceived to provide ordinary people with shelter, food, work, were rather like prisons. The poor were separated from their families and imprisoned there by force, very poorly fed, forced to engage in unsustainable and useless work. As a result, they just slowly died hungry death.

After a work house, Oliver becomes an apprentice of the grocer and a victim of the shelter boy 's bullying. Noah Kleipola. The latter, taking advantage of his advantage in age and strength, constantly humiliates the main hero. Oliver escapes to London. As is known, such children of the street, whose fate did not concern anyone, in their majority became the waste of society - vagrants and criminals. They were forced to do crime to live somehow. Violent laws reigned in the city. Young men turned into beggars and thieves. Most often they did not die a natural death, but ended their lives on the gallows. At best, they were awaiting imprisonment.

Even Oliver wants to get involved in the criminal world. An ordinary boy from the street, who is all seen by the Slick Float, promising the main hero patronage and overnight stay in London, takes him to the buyer of stolen. This is the godfather of local frauds and thieves Fyodzhin.

In this novel, Charles Dickens portrayed the London crime society, which he considered an integral part of the metropolitan life of the time. The writer reveals in the novel that the soul of the child is not initially prone to crime. After all, the child in his representation represents illegal suffering and mental purity. He 's just a victim of that time. It is this idea that is devoted to the main part of the novel "The Adventures of Oliver Twist."