Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Stress is an unpleasant fact of life.

Stress is an unpleasant fact of life. We all experience it for various reasons.So what exactly is stress doing to your mind (and body) when you're staring down a deadline?

And what can you do to power through it?

Everyone experiences stress in some way, shape, or form. We all recognize when we're in stressful situations, and we all know when we're stressed. At the same time, stress is more than just a feeling that we have a lot to deal with. For the purposes of our explainer, there are two types of stress: acute or chronical.

Acute stress is the type of stress you experience when you have an immediate reaction to something you're presented with.

Chronic stress is entirely different, and is characterized by its long-term nature. This is the type of stress that you feel that you're under every day, with no reprieve from the things that make you feel stressed. Most chronic stressors are situations, for example, in which you dislike your job and detest going every day, being there all day, and thinking about it when you leave. What's actually happening when you're stressed? Your body shows signs of stress in two ways: first, the rush of hormones that elevate your heart rate, boost your blood pressure, and stop your digestion, and then second the symptoms that you experience and are aware of, like clenched teeth, headaches, and emotional upset.

In other words, having the internet short out on you causes your body to exhibit a stress response. In fact, the increase in heart rate caused by delays was comparable to the increase people experience watching a horror film. So if you're trying to relax by watching a video, make sure your internet connection can handle it, because otherwise this will be anything but relaxing.So why is this? Why does slow internet have such a huge effect on our stress levels? Well, the report doesn't speculate, but my theory would be that it's because we rely on the internet for so much, and because we are so emotionally invested in everything we do using the internet. We kind of need the internet to work the way it's supposed to in order to accomplish even the tiniest tasks. When it slows down and we can't do things efficiently, that's both frustrating and stressful, in the same way that not being able to do something offline that you're normally able to accomplish with ease would be frustrating and stressful. And if you use the internet for work or school, malfunctioning internet can get in the way of your responsibilities.

My personal conslution from all of this. For the health and mental stability of people everywhere, the government should really

be providing us with free, reliable, high speed Wi-Fi. Really it plays a big role in our life.