Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Specific things to achieve my goal

I want to learn English language to become an interpreter, to watch movies in English, to travel. A positive mood is the driving force. This goal for me is positive because if I'll reach it, I'll get a desired job and a decent salary.

The goal should be measurable, by the end of the study at the University I want to speak freely, to read literature and watch TV in English.

I think the goal is achievable, because my University gives wonderful literature, understandable and interesting homework. I try to study hard to achieve success. I have also a sister who helps me with a question of the pronunciation of English words, but as a teacher she gives me the opportunity to learn independently. My goal for me is realistic, because despite the fact that I've a little of time to study, I study at night to replenish my vocabulary. It's important for me that this way of learning isn't tiring for me because I've the opportunity to sleep longer in the morning. My maternity leave allows me to do it. During my teaching I also use LinguaLeo's an online tool for learning English. Using this tool, I can learn the correct pronunciation of words, correct spelling and the so-called training brainstorm allows to trace my memorization of training material.

Translator job online is very popular, it answers the question of the relevance of the goal. To obtain a specific result, it's important to set a realistic time frame for accomplishing the smaller goals that are necessary to achieving the big objective. I learn about a hundred words a month by using the online tool, and write a few words in a notebook every day and constantly repeat them. Using new words I invent stories. I don't forget to return to the already learned words periodically. It's useful that I can to speak English with my sister to train the pronunciation of words.

I try to optimize a time and to spend it the maximum benefit for study. Optimization of time for me includes refraining from watching TV, except for movies in English two times a week. I avoid a waste of time on social networks.