Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Social networks: advantages and disadvantages

At the moment, social networks play a fairly large role in people's lives. And on the one hand, it would seem that this is good, but everything has its drawbacks.

Social media is a very convenient medium for sharing information. You can communicate in them, find love, learn something new, even find out what is happening in life now, in general, make your life much easier.

Why is it so convenient? Because it's fast. You can really lightning-fast convey any news or information to a loved one, spending a small amount of time on this and not spending any other resources, as it was before, when people wrote letters instead of SMS and sent them as carrier pigeons. It is not practical for a long time.

But, as I said, every plus also has its minus. And the minus is also a considerable amount. For example, the bad thing is that modern children in the era of technology, unfortunately, have forgotten what really children's entertainment is, such as: catching up, tagging, jumping rope and the like. Our parents had fun on the street, we can say that they really had an exciting childhood and many adventures. While this can hardly be said about modern children. They have buried their noses in their phones and do not see interesting children's entertainment around them at all, which is very sad.

But this is not all the disadvantages. The main disadvantage of social networks is that many terrible things happen because of them, such as teenage suicides. This is a very serious topic that the government and parents are trying to prevent, but they practically fail, because every day the number of adolescents who commit suicide is only growing.

Why is this happening? Social media teaches teenagers and children about depravity, immorality and cruelty. And all because such resources that are destructive for the child's psyche are in the public domain and anyone can enter them, which will undoubtedly be reflected in the child's behavior.

Thus, we can conclude that social networks have both pros and cons, and it is up to each person to decide whether to use them or not. But if I were parents, I would have protected children from harmful resources at least by using the parental control system.