Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Small town life or big city life: where’s the better place to live? Why?

For me it was difficult to answer to this question because I lived most of my life in the small town in one region of Russia until my family decided we should go to the northern cultural capital of Russia- Saint-Petersburg when I was 17. However, there are still many people who prefer stay in the town and say that they couldn’t live anywhere else. I saw advantages and disadvantages of living in different places. So, let’s discuss it.

I would like to start with the advantages and disadvantages of the small town life. In small town I enjoy the leisure of the lives. It is rather simple to find time for personal and leisure activities. I can do many things such as fishing, planting a potato and flowers. It just made fun to do those things, I was so happy.

Actually in small town we can decrease our costs on the transport, education, medicine.

Another reason to choose life in small town is that people are friendly and relaxed. People have an opportunity to see many friends and often see them not only hear on the phone or text messages. Living in a small town, one can get the warm friendship and care everywhere.

The next reason is an environment. There is no pollution there. The air is fresh and pure in the small town. When we walk alone a river, we can see the bottom of the river, even some fish in it. Living in this place is beneficial to our health.

And, as I said, I lived in a small town and didn’t need to encounter the sharp competition that is placed in front of the people living in a big city.

All the advantages of a small city overlap with his shortcomings. Yes, in a small city the costs are not high, but the salaries to people are minimal. There are socio-economic problems such as unemployment and alcoholism. The provincial city where I lived is still grey and boring: there is no cinema and there are no other leisure centers. People don’t have the opportunity to attain higher education. That's why after graduation I moved to the big city.

As for me, living in such a big city has a lot of advantages and great opportunities.

Firstly, there is an opportunity of obtaining higher education of worthy quality, visiting various professional seminars and conferences.

Secondly, there are a lot of working places in a city, in all kinds of fields. A big city life is a big step up for me work wise.

Thirdly, there is a big offer how to spend free time and I can know more people of different cultures and religions. There a lot of theatres, concerts and other ways of entertainment such as dance bars and clubs.

In addition, when you live in a big city, it is easier to travel (there are many airports, international railways and marine stations).

One of the most important decisions in everyone’s life is choosing a place to live. Some people prefer to live in a big city. Others want to live in a small town. There are both advantages and disadvantages.

Speaking only for myself, I decide to live, do a good job in a big city and to have a best holiday in the countryside.