Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


It is better to start showing loyalty to the company, employees and corporate values ​​from the first day

Remember that you have already been hired (although maybe for a probationary period), which means that, according to the company, you are the best candidate for this position, the most professional, smart and energetic, so you need to relax and start confidently “ get accustomed "to the new team.

Everyone knows, but many forget that the first impression that others receive about us is “according to their clothing,” so it’s important that you first carefully emphasize your appearance until you understand what corporate style is adopted in your new office. Suppose in companies - system integrators it is customary to wear sweaters and jeans, which does not go well with the image of a successful investment banker, from whom they will be expected to appear in a tie and suit.

It is extremely important in the early days not to spoil relations with colleagues with harsh categorical remarks. It is better to save stories about the successes of your loved ones, but a discussion of a film, books, performances and travel is an excellent occasion for talking at lunch at work or in the smoking room.

If you came as a leader, then, obviously, you will be asked questions about future reorganizations and dismissals. It is in your interests, in my opinion, to postpone such dialogs until all details are clarified. After that, you need to act quickly and decisively: to dismiss - so to dismiss, to hire - so to hire.

The ideal leader, in my opinion, will start his day with meeting key employees: the general director will talk with financial and commercial directors, listen to the personnel manager, and end with a short speech at the general meeting, designed to stop possible rumors and “boost morale” of the team.

An ideal subordinate will begin his first working day with a trip to the immediate supervisor to once again hear what is required of him and when, if there are any duties not specified during the interview.

It is also obvious that your new employer will expect loyalty to the company, employees, and corporate values. Therefore, it is extremely important to demonstrate your interest in a new job, if possible - the pleasure of working with new colleagues.

It’s great if you manage to establish friendly relations with one of the long-working employees who can tell you about the history of the company, relations within the team, help the first time in performing production tasks.

Ibragimov S ДБм-202пр

First working day confidence technique