Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


I would like to tell you about my wonderful trip to Georgia. I visited it last summer and I was definitely impressed by the hospitality of the local people and by the nature of this country. When I came to Tbilisi ,the capital of Georgia, I was really tired and I decided to have a rest in my hotel for a while. Next morning I took a walk to the centre of the city and I was really shocked that Tbilisi wasn’t as outdated as I thought. It had many restaurants and cafes, lots of curious museums and even casinos which were prohibited in Russia. Most of all I liked the Bridge of Peace that connected two parts of Tbilisi. Not far from Tbilisi there was Mount Kazbek that was the seventh-highest summit in the Caucasus Mountain. It would be a crime if didn’t see it. On the way there I was enjoying fascinating views that I couldn’t even describe. The air there was so fresh that I stopped breathing for a couple of seconds. After visiting The Kazbek I came back to Tbilisi and started to pack my clothes as I had to leave the hotel. The day after it I came to Batumi. First of all I decided to visit a local botanical garden. There were many species of trees and flowers of which I have never heard.

As for national cuisine, I may say that it is cheaper and tastier than in Moscow. Khinkali and khachapuri are the most famous dishes of Georgia. Also the Georgians adore wine. Many people there hold their own vineyards to provide themselves and others with it. They always have some bottles of wine at home.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above I want to say that Georgia is the best country I have ever visited. I hope I will have an opportunity to come there again.