Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My future profession is a ... (banker/economist)

When I start to think about my future profession, I imagine that I work in a big company with people and do very important things. I imagine that I am an economist. I like to work with numbers, with the computer, I like to communicate with different people.

Just few months ago I realized I can be an economist. My choice was not easy, because there are many different professions. I wanted to be a teacher or a doctor. But later on I have decided that the best thing for me is to become an economist.

This profession looks so interesting and important to me. I am very good in mathematics. I can say numbers is my passion. I like to solve the problems, check algorithms and work with numbers. It’s not easy but it makes mathematics more interesting.

In future I have to study at university. There maths will be more complicated. All 5 years I will study hard to become the best economist.

Today all the companies need professional people. Lawyers, programmers, managers and of course economists play a very important role in developing of any company. If I succeed to become a part of this company, I will be proud of myself all my life. I think it’s important to find your vocation in the life. Nowadays it is very difficult to make the right choice for a teenager. I am sure we are able to change our decisions but it’s important to choose with the heart.

Today economists work a lot and they have good money. Of course you need to have good experience and knowledge. You have to love and enjoy your job. I see I will be a very successful and professional economist. I speak with my relatives who have this job and they are very happy about their choice.

I am sure one day my family will be proud of me because I have made my choice already and I do my best to get high results.

I fully understand all the difficulties I will have to face since that’s the profession I’m choosing but I’m not going to give up because of it. This job is well-paid and it compensates for all the difficulties. Besides,I find it very interesting, it allows you to continue self-development and get new knowledge that may be useful in your professional career and everyday life.