Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Modern concepts management

At the present stage, the problems of interaction with the external environment, taking into account changes in the external environment and the activities of individual companies, and the orientation of the enterprise in the current conditions are of the greatest importance in management theory. The search for solutions to these problems has led to the formation of a number of modern management concepts aimed at ensuring the effective operation of organizations in the modern world.

The most well-known (recognized) modern management concepts are the concept of adaptation, the concept of global strategy and the concept of target orientation.

Modern management concepts are most fully characterized by the behavioral school and the quantitative approach to management. The behavioral school mainly studies the nature of power and leadership, management style, behavior motivation, etc.the Goal of this school is to improve the efficiency of the enterprise (organization) by better using human resources.

These modern concepts and many other concepts of modern management, known from foreign publications, are aimed at improving the strategies of individual organizations in order to achieve the intended profits (goals).

The use of project management leads to a deeper knowledge and understanding of enterprise management and is organically combined with modern management approaches (strategic and marketing approaches). However, it should be borne in mind that project management is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve success in the mostly uncertain external conditions of the enterprise. The modern concept of project management is a holistic management philosophy and is located at the intersection of many disciplines of management, marketing, Economics, organization and production technology, etc.

Along with the study of modern concepts of production management, students (students, persons attending advanced training courses) should acquire stable skills in solving the most frequently encountered practical problems of organizational design of production systems, formation and calendar distribution of production programs, inventory management in organizations.

Must know the laws and regulations governing the company's personnel management activities labor legislation fundamentals of the market economy, business environment labor market and educational services modern concepts of personnel management fundamentals of labor motivation and personnel evaluation systems forms and methods of training and professional development of personnel the procedure for developing labor contracts methods and organization of management prospects for enterprise development management structure and their personnel structure of business communication basics of office management methods of information processing using modern technical means, communications and communication rules and standards of labor protection.

The term "management" is extremely difficult to understand. First, it is specifically of American origin and can hardly be translated into any other language, including English of the British Isles. It denotes a function, but also the people who perform it, it indicates a social and official position, but at the same time it means an academic discipline and an area of scientific research... It is management that creates economic and social development. It is its result. Wherever we invested only economic factors of production, especially capital, we did not achieve development. In the few cases where we have been able to generate the energy of management, we have generated rapid development. Development, in other words, is a matter of human energy rather than economic wealth.