Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Michael Porter


Michael porter was born in 1947 in the state Michigan in the family of an army officer. Graduated Princeton University, then received a master's degree in business administration and a Ph. D. from Harvard University, with each stage of study completed with honors. Since 1973 he has been working at Harvard Business School (he was the youngest Professor in the history of this College). I have done a lot of research on more than 100 industries in different countries.

  • Professional awards, awards:
  • He received the McKinsey award three times for his articles.
  • George R. Terry Book award (Academy of management) for "competitive advantage as an outstanding contribution to management development".
  • Adam Smith Award (National Association of industrial economists).
  • Seven honorary doctorates.

2. Consulting companies and government agencies.

Michael porter is one of the leading experts in the field of studying the nature of competition. During his career, porter served as a business consultant to world-famous companies, including, for example, AT&T, DuPont, Royal Dutch Shell and Procter & Gamble, and provided services to the boards of Directors of Alpha-Beta Technologies, Parametric Technology Corp., R & B Falcon Corp and ThermoQuest Corp.

Porter also worked as a consultant to the government. He was appointed to the presidential Commission on industry competitiveness by the President Reagan, and was also invited by the Governor Massachusetts' William Weld as Chairman of the Governor's Council on economic growth and technology. M. porter advised governments such as India, New Zealand, Canada and Portugal, and currently is a leading specialist in the development of a regional strategy for the presidents of Central American countries. In the 1990s, he advised the South Korean government.

In 2005 The Russian government commissioned M. porter to conduct a study to analyze the country's competitiveness.[1] According to the economist, the main problem in Russia is a one-sided raw material orientation and the presence of a mass of vertically integrated companies. "To become competitive, key corporations should not be based on the concept of national security. The concept of national leaders died with General Motors — no one believes in it. Small mobile companies are the heart of the economy."[2]

Professor porter has been an innovator in revitalizing the economy of America's old inner cities. M. porter is the founder and Chairman of the non-profit organization Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (USA), which seeks ways to accelerate the development and growth of the old Central part of the city based on business, and offers a new approach to its economic development.

3.Scientific view

Porter, as a popularizer of the concept of economic cluster, showed that the competitiveness of a company is largely determined by the competitiveness of its economic environment, which, in turn, depends on the basic conditions (common resource) and competition within the cluster.

Porter proposed the first known typology of competitive strategies (basic competition strategies).

Porter developed a well-known methodology for analyzing competitiveness to determine a company's strategy based on research on the actions of competitors and the market as a whole, and described the stages of growth in the competitiveness of the national economy (from the stage of "primary factors", such as cheap labor, to the stage of competition based on innovation and the last stage — competition based on wealth).

According to Michael porter, the more developed competition in the domestic market and higher demands of buyers, the greater the likelihood of success of the companies from this country on international markets (and conversely, the weakening of competition on the national market generally leads to a loss of competitive advantage).

Michael porter defines sustainable competitive advantage as a combination of activities that are difficult to copy.[3]

He developed a model of 5 market forces that include existing competitors, new competitors over a certain period of time, competitors that sell substitute goods or offer substitute services, suppliers, and consumers.

Porter's fundamental book The Competitive Advantage of Nations was published in Russian under the title "international competition".


1) Monographs

  • Interbrand Choice, Strategy, and Bilateral Market Power (Harvard Economic Studies).
  • Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors.
  • Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance.
  • Competitive Advantage of Nations.
  • On Competition.
  • Can Japan Compete?
  • Porter M. E., Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg E. O. Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results.

2) Collectors

  • Porter, M. E. (ed.) Competition in Global Industries.

3) Selected articles

  • Porter M. E. How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy // Harvard Business Review, March/April 1979.
  • Porter M. E. From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy // Harvard Business Review, May/June 1987, pp 43-59.
  • Porter M. E. Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy // Strategic Management Journal, 1991, 12 (Winter Special Issue), pp. 95-117.
  • Porter M. E. What is Strategy // Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec 1996.
  • McGahan A. M., Porter M. E. How Much Does Industry Matter, Really? // Strategic Management Journal, 1997, 18 (Summer Special Issue), pp. 15-30.
  • Porter M. E. Strategy and the Internet // Harvard Business Review, March 2001, pp. 62-78.
  • Porter M. E., Kramer M. R. Strategy and Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility // Harvard Business Review, December 2006, pp. 78-92.

