Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Meeting Preparation Process

A meeting is the interaction of a leader with a team through the exchange of views.

The process of preparing a meeting begins with the need to determine for yourself the need and purpose of the meeting.

When justification the need for a meeting, the manager should formulate tasks that require a better and timely decision.

A meeting is beneficial if:

- there is a need for the exchange of information;

- disclosure of opinions and options;

- analysis of difficult (unusual) situations;

- making decisions regarding general issues.

After the manager make sure of the effectiveness of the meeting, it can be held. In extreme cases, the meeting should be refused.

After a decision has been made on the need for a meeting, an agenda is assigned, the composition of its participants, and the rules of work.

Then, the date, time of the meeting is assigned and then the place of the meeting is determined.

The last stage in the preparation of the meeting is the study by all participants of the agenda, as well as the necessary materials. Everyone should first know the topic and objectives of the meeting.

A leader for an effective meeting should have a lot of knowledge, abilities, skills.

The essence of a business meeting is to conduct a free discussion and formulate a general solution based on a variety of opinions.

It is useful to hold meetings, because at the meeting, employees learn to work in a team, take a complex approach to solving common problems, and achieve compromises.