Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Marketing Management Philosophies


The current stage of development of market relations in our country clearly highlights the presence of management technologies, management and marketing components of the enterprise. However, it is clear that it will be incomplete without mentioning marketing. There are two definitions:

Marketing is one of the most necessary disciplines for professional market leaders. The main actor in the market is the enterprise. Learning and managing marketing is necessary, first of all, in order to achieve primary goals such as making a profit, increasing sales, increasing market share and expanding into new markets.

Marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines for professional market leaders. The main actor in the market is the enterprise. Learning and knowing how to manage marketing is necessary, first of all, in order to achieve primary tasks such as making a profit, increasing sales, and increasing market share.

An enterprise needs to know how to describe the market and segment it; how to assess the needs, demands and preferences of consumers within the target market; how to design and test a product with consumer properties necessary for this market; how through the price to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​the value of the goods; how to choose skilled intermediaries so that the product is well presented; how to advertise and promote a product so that consumers know it and want to purchase it.

Organizations (enterprises) need to achieve a high level of customer loyalty of their goods and services, identify not only existing, but also latent, latent, potential needs, anticipate changes in consumer preferences, desires, interests in advance and reflect this in the range of their products (services) in a timely manner, introduced to the market. That is, it is a matter of relying not so much on customer information (as most modern enterprises do), but rather on customer information.

Marketing as a business philosophy.

Currently, companies operating in almost any industry are in a competitive environment, which is becoming increasingly fierce. The role of marketing in modern business is constantly growing. But before the marketing profession in the administrative system did not exist, it appeared only with the advent of market relations. The market structure then became so complex that it was not possible to understand it without the help of a professional.

Marketing as a science ensures the constant development of a marketing theory that “feeds” marketing practitioners, but is divorced from real business.

Marketing as a product promotion activity is undoubtedly a very important group. But the specialization of this area is so small that it does not fully cover the entire scope of marketing.

Marketing as a business philosophy.

The attitude of the company, the entrepreneur towards himself; determination of its mission and desirable role in the market; attitude to other participants in market relations and, above all, to consumers, as well as competitors and intermediaries, to social institutions that regulate market relations - this is the practical filling of marketing as a business philosophy, setting the tone for other, strategic and tactical aspects of its practical implementation. This approach, in my opinion, is most consistent with the current level of business development, allowing you to set real marketing goals and clearly formulate criteria for marketing effectiveness.

It turns out that marketing as a business philosophy is a kind of unifying idea, “permeating” the activities of all departments of the company and playing a decisive role in relation to all other managerial functions. This approach represents a certain ideal way of organizing a business that you should strive for, but which is currently unlikely to be achievable for the vast majority of companies. After all, in fact, companies use two, three main marketing functions: market research, advertising and, at best, pricing. Sales, as its main function, is not subject to marketing at all. Sales by itself, marketing by itself, most often work as two parallel structures with different goals and objectives. But the field of marketing management remains virtually virgin today. The "business survival" of the company depends on the manifestation of the competence of its management.

So, marketing at the present time is not just a science or art, it is a philosophy of modern business, which puts Consumer at the forefront. Marketing is the philosophy of modern business, which determines the strategy and tactics of the company in a competitive environment; production and marketing activities of the enterprise, focused on the consumer and providing the company with a stable profit.