Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


Marketing is a relatively new area of ​​economic activity, which is recognized as promising and successfully operates throughout the world. For our country, marketing is more than a new area of ​​the economy.
Sometimes there are 3 types of marketers:
marketers involved in the analysis itself
creative marketers
decision makers
However, I would combine the first two types into one, since I do not find these two links to exist separately from each other and both of these functions could be combined by one person - it is difficult to imagine a person who generates effective ideas without preliminary analysis.
But in our society we can distinguish another type of marketer - namely, a marketer, that is, a marketer who is a member of the staff, but does not perform his functions and at best carries pieces of paper and writes periodic reports. In the worst case, a marketing agent is assigned the functions of a commercial agent.
Based on theoretical concepts, it is necessary to separate two such concepts as marketing and the marketing function of finished products. At the same time, their interconnection is obvious, but not interchangeability. In practice, one more than often encounters an understanding of the marketer as a commercial agent. In particular, during a practical training in Sberbank, where we were invited, I happened to encounter two types of nominee marketers. The first sat and wrote reports, tasks for which descended from above, while the second type was invited to walk around the enterprises and convince them to conclude contracts. There was simply no other understanding of marketing.
Another example from our own practice: students were invited to the AO to conduct a marketing research, which included checking and updating the database of potential customers of the AO available at the enterprise, a possible survey, and, as a general outcome of the work, the conclusion of contracts. At the same time, the management authoritatively stated that they have a lot of goods in warehouses, enough for everyone, but they are not able to sell them on their own.
Perhaps this state of affairs can be explained by a lack of understanding of the place of marketing in the market. In fact, in our society, where functioning market mechanisms are so imperfect, it is important for the company to make a profit in the shortest possible time. Sometimes the methods used for this are not designed for long-term functioning. There is no need to talk about marketing analysis in these situations at all.
Of course, this state of affairs is not a comprehensive rule for Russia. Marketing in its classical sense exists, but, as a rule, exclusively in the foreign campaigns present in our domestic market. At large Russian enterprises, marketing departments were created thanks to fashion, as an imitation of the market of developed countries. Hence the appearance of a marketer.
Perhaps the impetus for the development of marketing in our country can be the depletion of internal reserves of firms and the transition to the general functioning of the market in a qualitatively new state, where the consumer with his needs and the possibilities for the formation of such needs would come first.