Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Managing your Money

People often use the proverb “Money talks” to say that money is important in every person’s life. And, indeed, with the help of money we can buy all kinds of things, such as food, clothes, accommodation, cars, mobile phones, computers, make-up, medicines, and many other goods that civilization has to offer.

The importance of money in modern society is undeniable. Since the time of its invention people struggle to possess more and more money. Different countries have their own currency. Besides, the financial system nowadays is rather developed.

At different age people need different things to become happy. For example, little children would spend a million on toys, cartoons and entertainment parks. Adults would buy expensive cars, yachts, apartment or jewelry.

My Future Profession Is a Banker.In the future I would like to become a banker because I believe it is one of the most promising and useful jobs for the society. These specialists work with money and commercial papers. They are collaborating with government organizations and private funds as well as provide legal and financial services.

Live within income is a very important skill that is necessary for everyone who wants to be independent and take care of himself. When people get a family and have children they have to take care of their income and expenses even more.