Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Man cannot live and exist alone

Man cannot live and exist alone. It is not in vain that we are all afraid of loneliness. It is important for us to recognize, respect and love those around us - our dearest and closest people. The family is the foundation of the foundations. Without a family, without our beloved parents, we would not even exist. Family is a place where you sincerely rejoice at your successes, share your failures, misfortunes with you, support and help in everything and always. The family is a fortress within which you feel protected, you are warm and good from the tender hands of your mother, the kind look for me, my family is the source of all that is bright, warm and kind. There are four of us in the family: dad, mom, my brother and I. My dad is our head of the family. He has always been and will be for us and our mother the main support in life, our protection.

My father is an electrician. We can say that he creates heat with his golden hands, not only for us, but also for other people - repairs electrical appliances. The main thing for him is that we grow up decent people, respecting and appreciating such important concepts as family, love for one's neighbor, kindness, justice of your father.

My mother is the guardian of our family hearth; she creates comfort and warmth in our house. She has very soft and gentle hands. It doesn’t matter what kind of trouble happened to you, in my mother’s hands all the problems become so small and insignificant, it is worth it to pat you on the head. In addition, our mother is a psychologist. She is a calm and reasonable person. Thanks to her, my brother and I from early childhood learned to appreciate the feelings of people, mother instilled in us a love of the world. It's always nice to come home when mom is waiting for you there. If it’s bad for you, then by your very appearance she will understand what’s going on inside you, she won’t torment you with questions , she’ll just hug and hold her close. Then he will give you fragrant tea, and when it becomes easier for you, you yourself will tell her everything, and she will give her wise advice.

Another person close to me is my younger brother. He is 7 years younger than me. But for us, this age difference is completely invisible. We love to walk together, tell each other our secrets, share experiences. He knows how to listen, give practical advice, if necessary.

I really love my family. I always need to see in their eyes the approval of my actions, love and understanding. Every day after school, I rush home to discuss with my family all the events of the day, ask them for advice if necessary, and just chat, laugh, relax. It’s so good that I have them!