Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Jimmie Langton is one of characters of the novel “Theatre” by William Somerset Maugham

If we would like to speak about Jimmy Langton it’s necessary to say that the first time when we meet him in the novel is the moment when Julia Gosselyn goes through the photos and find a photo where her husband Michel as a young theatre actor. And during the memories of these times Julia remembers Jimmy Langton.

His full name was James Langton. He was a man of 45 years and average height. Also he was fat, bald-headed and rubicund man, thus he was looked like one of Rubens' prosperous burghers. He was a theatre producer and he really had a passion for the theatre. He loved acting, but he was a bad actor, and fortunately his physique prevented him from playing, and that few parts what he played was not very good playing by him. He was an eccentric, arrogant, exuberant, and vain. Maybe for these reasons every part he played, he turned into a grotesque. In brief he could not subdue his natural flamboyance. He broadened every gesture, he exaggerated every intonation.

But as a producer he was a real professional. It was a very different matter when he rehearsed his cast; then he would suffer nothing artificial. His ear was perfect, and though he could not produce the right intonation himself he would never let a false one pass in anyone else. And it’s necessary to conclude that he was being good as a recruiter. He could recognize a good actor or actress and persuade him or her play in his troupe for a small fee.

So it was with Julia. He had seen her in first time when she was on tour in a melodrama. One day at the end of the piece Jimmy Langton went round to see Julia. He was well enough known in the theatrical world for her to be flattered by the compliments he paid her, and when he asked her to lunch with him next day she accepted. And during that lunch he offered her to play in his theater for a lower salary but with the opportunity to grow professionally.

After a moment's thought, Julia agreed. Thus the acquaintance of these two characters of the novel took place.