Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Is it necessary to discover space?

Some people believe that exploring outer space is important because it expands human knowledge and might lead to discoveries that will benefit humanity in the future. Other people believe that space exploration is a waste of money that could be better spent solving immediate problems here on Earth.

For example I believe that apart from our Earth in other galaxies there is life and there are aliens. And if human has the opportunity to explore it, why not? I think it is a very cool experience, of course if you don't hurt and damage.

Exploring our solar system, analyzing and cataloging all major asteroids that might pose a potential thread to Earth in the future might help to diminish that fear and to remove the danger posed by a stray asteroid. Orbits would be known, and possible impacts could be predicted well before the situation ever becomes critical, leaving enough time for preventive measures to be taken while the asteroid is still well away from Earth, accelerating slowly and ice-cold, and therefore, presumably, easier to handle.

Also, the solar system and the universe are a part of reality as we know it and of the world that we live in , understanding the laws that govern the universe and trying to understand the forces at work there will lead us to a greater understanding of how live on Earth works, as well.

Of course there is other side of this situation is that for these explorations are spending large sums of money that could be used for the benefit of the people. Cause there are a large number of populations that are under the line of poverty in the cosmos and they are grappling with to fulfill their two square of meal. People are dying of starvation as they are seeking for immediate assistance to survive and spend the life with quality and dignity. Therefore, the amount that is spent to explore the outer space can bring a large relief and great smile in needy people’s face.

Further supporting my point of view, a huge amount of people is dying of various fatal diseases due to the lack of immediate and proper remedy. They need instant medical attention and assistance to combat with the epidemic and prolong their life span. Therefore, monetary fund plays a pivotal role to assist people in such a critical condition as money can be spent on research for new medicine and treatment rather than spending necessarily on the name of discover new things on the space. For instance, people are dying in some African countries because of dangerous diseases such as Ebola, Cholera, etc. In addition to this, if money is injected in national security, the crime rate will be cut down and peace and order would be maintained in the community.

However, on the other side of the fence, spending money on space exploration might be fruitful too if an alternative place can be found on the space and people will be able to shift at the time of universal destruction.

In conclusion I want to say that I strongly believe that money should be spent for the betterment of the living human first, and than for space exploration.