Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

International management

This paper deals with the topic "International management". The relevance of this topic is not in doubt, since inter-country contacts in the field of economics have been expanding more and more recently, business is becoming multinational. It seems to me that it is necessary to consider this topic based on the concept of "international business". After all, one can even doubt whether the category of "international management" itself has a serious right to exist, or whether the usual, that is, country (national), management model is quite suitable here? I think the best way to make the answer convincing is to go from understanding the specifics of the managed system, that is, from international business. And if it is possible to show that there are quite significant differences between national and international business, then (and only then) we can talk about the incomplete applicability of the national management model to international business and, accordingly, about the features of management in international management.

The main features of international management in one way or another lie in the sphere of accounting and using in the management of national and multinational collectives all that culture gives in the broadest sense of this category.

This, in turn, means that a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of culture in a comparative context, analysis and evaluation of the opportunities and limitations that cultural constants carry, is an absolute condition for the success of international management. In other words, everything that comparative management does should be considered the methodological basis of international management. In this sense, any person studying international management should simultaneously (and even with a certain advance) master the basics of comparative management, that is, be sufficiently familiar with the methodology of the question.

The current stage of the development of international economic relations is characterized by the wide spread of a new form of exchange between countries - the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge. The development of international technological exchange is due to significant differences in the technical level of individual countries. On the other hand, knowledge and technology in backward countries should develop in the same direction as they develop in advanced countries, since the world economy as a technical and economic category is based on machine production, regardless of the level of development of a particular national economy. Thus, even if there is an autarkic model of the economy of a particular country, technical thought still develops in the same direction as in more developed countries. However, more often than not, technically backward countries develop as a result of acquiring new knowledge and technologies from outside. High rates of scientific and technological progress in the second half of the XX century led to the fact that in recent decades, international trade is characterized by the involvement of a special commodity - scientific and technological achievements, i.e., there is an active technological exchange. The concept of international technological exchange is usually interpreted in two ways: in a broad sense, it means the penetration of any scientific and technical knowledge and the exchange of production experience between countries, and in a narrow sense-the transfer of scientific and technical knowledge and experience related to the reproduction of specific technological processes.

The State, in exercising its regulatory role, must comply with the established international rules of conduct in this area. These rules are supranational in nature and are legally binding for all States, provided that they join the implementation of these rules, in accordance with their domestic legislation. The Russian Federation is a multi-level entity consisting of the Russian Federation itself, and the subjects of the Federation, including the municipalities that are part of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the legislative priority in the implementation of foreign trade relations belongs to the Russian Federation. The priority of the state in regulating foreign economic relations is determined by Article 71 of the Constitution, which states that" The foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation are under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation", as well as by the Law" On State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities " of 13.10.95 (FZ - No. 157).

For agro-industrial and labor-surplus regions, it seems appropriate to encourage foreign investment, including the provision of local tax incentives, loans to create jobs and stimulate entrepreneurship.

In the extractive regions, a favorable regime for foreign investment should also be created, including by partially exempting them from local taxes, using depreciation and other economic incentives.

In urbanized regions with their strong scientific and technological potential, government support for conversion and structural adjustment is required, which will require centralized capital investments. Here, it seems, it is necessary to create a favorable regime for foreign capital in order to attract it to rapidly developing sectors of the economy, primarily where there is a high export potential, as well as to basic industries.

In addition, serious management of international business on a significant scale requires a qualitatively different information base, unconditional overcoming of language barriers and professional support of management decisions. As for the internal environment of the company, here both difficulties and differences are determined by the same multinational environment. Although outwardly such defining categories as goals, structure, division of labor within the firm, coordination, and even more so technological parameters do not bear significant differences from the national model, but everything that concerns the main thing-people, their needs, perceptions, expectations, especially values and goals of behavior, there is a need to take into account national and cultural factors. The differences here can be very large. For example, almost half of the Japanese consider work primarily as a means of earning a living, while among the Belgians or the Dutch, this percentage does not reach even a third. Or another equally revealing fact: time, plans and programs are the most important element of Western culture in general and management in particular, while Eastern culture simply does not accept the idea that "there will be no second chance" and treats time as an infinite resource.

We will single out within the framework of the main target orientation of international management those of its tasks that most bear the specifics of this economic category:

1. Comprehensive study, analysis and assessment of the external environment of international business in the interests of finding and implementing sources of competitive advantages of the company.

2. In-depth analysis and assessment of the cultural background in each host country and the use of its capabilities (taking into account the limitations) in the development of strategic, tactical and operational decisions on the functioning and development of the company both in this country and in general.

3. Assessment, selection and practical use of the organizational forms in which the company's foreign operations are carried out, in order to maximize the effect of using the economic potential and legal capabilities of the host countries.

4. The formation and development of a multinational team of the company and its divisions in the home country and in the host countries in the interests of maximizing the personal potential of employees, the capabilities of individual teams and the international effects of their interaction within the company.

5. Search, development and effective use of various opportunities for international business placement in various production and functional areas.


International management is a special type of management, the main objectives of which are the formation, development and use of the competitive advantages of the company due to the opportunities for doing business in different countries and the appropriate use of the economic, social, demographic, cultural and other features of these countries and inter-country interaction. In a general sense, we can conclude that international management is the management of various aspects of the international activities of multinational companies.

The main features of international management are the need to take into account and use the cultural characteristics of various national teams in the management of enterprises in order to achieve efficiency and success.


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