Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

If your Internet connection is unreliable and your stress level is elevated, the two things might have a lot more to do with one another than you think

If your Internet connection is unreliable and your stress level is elevated, the two things might have a lot more to do with one another than you think. A new study says that slow internet speed do cause stress — something that sounds weird, but that anyone trying to cope with terrible broadband speeds could probably have intuited already. Basically, slow Internet is the worst.

Of the nowadays we drive the great bulk of information from internet ,we rely on the internet for so much. Internet is our life. And I can assert with confident that if internet is broken down our life is broken down as well. We study in internet ,we work in Internet, we get an appointment for doctor in internet, being far away from home we keep in touch with family in internet.You don't "use a computer" anymore, you "do things on the computer." You don't say you'll "type something" so much as "write something. And we use to expect to a result certainly because of we such busy nowadays and all of us have to be multitask to get success of life, we lost a patience we get angry from everything which make us waiting, we get stress stucking on traffic and waiting for our order in restaurant, time is a big worth for people so if something or somebody wasting our time it stress us out immediately. So of course having internet short out on you causes your body to exhibit a stress response.So what process starts to break down, when internet is not working the way we think it should it feels like something is going wrong with yourself. So it makes sense our instinctive reaction would be a stress response. And overall takeaway from this for the half and mental stability the government of every country should really be providing us with free valuable, high speed wi-fi.