Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How to become a good programmer

Nowadays our life depends on computers and the Internet. If we want to know new information, buy something or message somebody, we need to take advantage of information technologies. It is hard to imagine a world without modern technologies. Programmers are very necessary in modern life. There are a lot of types of programmers: Software tester, system administrator, Web-designer… All of them relate to each other but imply different responsibilities. There are many positive aspects in the work of a programmer. For example, a good salary. But this profession requires some skills. Not everyone have them.

First of all, all programmers must understand their job and what people want from them. They must know a lot of subjects: Information Technologies, Physics and Math. Programmers must know English, because most of programs are wrote in English. Knowledge of English is required. Secondly, one of many advantages of this profession is that you don't need to be social. You can stay at home and work from there. This job allows you to do this. So, if you want to become a good programmer you should to give one hundred percent of yourself. You should try to become the best of the best. Improve your skills and study languages. That is very useful in this profession. A lot of famous people get up at 6 o`clock or earlier. It allows you to get more done in a day. You should sleep well before go to job. A person who has had a good sleep will be more energetic and attentive. Thirdly, you should study at home a lot, knowledge which you get in the class are important but as practice shows programmers who works at class and at home know more, then someone else. Work hard at home too.

In conclusion, I want to say, that you should be a responsible person. This is a serious profession and it requires attention and progress from you. Technologies are not stay too long at one place. Today industry needs one thing and tomorrow it needs another. Improve yourself and love what you do.