Автор Анна Евкова
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How to become a good manager

There is a lot of hard work and skills that need to be developed to become a real manager. Managers have several skills and talents they learn as they advance in the workplace, not all of them will develop the very simple and basic ability to be an effective manager. They have to do a lot more than just manage finances and give projects. A manager has to teach people and show them in a way to allow them to be the best they can be, so later on they too can advance up through the company on their own qualities.

So 1st thing to becoming an effective manager, you have to improve your own leadership abilities and actions that are needed to be a great business leader. I think one of the most essential things that anyone must do is lead by example.

The good manager has to treat all equally. Most of us are not so equal as it would be desirable. Many times, favoritism occurs at the subconscious level. The trend consists in giving more positive recognition to people who somehow remind us of themselves and to whom we actually are pleasant, but not people who make the biggest contribution to the organization. Eventually, people from the last group it is made the greatest progress in achievement of the goals of the organization therefore it is necessary to monitor attentively the behavior and to watch accidentally not to change them even if at there was an impression that your positive relation does not influence them.

It is necessary to listen to people with whom you work. A large number of times of employees has good offers which are ignored. Effective managers will always pay tribute to the employee who does it.

Showing appreciation not only will show them they are needed and appreciated, but also build their confidence and make them always want to do better. Whet her it showing them publicly or with a small bonus. When people are appreciated, it will always motivate them to want to perform better. Trusting your employees and giving them responsibility.

Delegating should be done so everyone gets an opportunity to show their potential. Everyone wants to move up, and not be stuck as an entry level employee forever. Trust in them, and give them an opportunity. Everyone has different strengths and weakness that can be used for different jobs. One might type better: one might speak a different language. This is where successful delegation will used to assign the right employee with the right task. Real leaders will show power and self-confidence.

And if you are able to display these qualities to your employees again it's about leading by example. It will in turn inspire confidence in them as well. You have to have a real vision of what your goals and intentions are, and a definite plan as to how you will achieve those goals. Put everything into writing, and go over it with all of your employees during meetings, or one on ones so they are aware of them. Talk to them about what they think, they might have concerns that need to be addressed.