Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How can technologies improve our learning process?

Nowadays we live in the world of technologies and we cannot imagine our life without them. Using technologies makes our life easier in different spheres. In my essay I would like to consider how technologies can improve our learning process, because education is one of the most important parts of our life, which demands a lot of time, diligence and self-discipline.

First of all, I would like to say that there are a lot of technologies which help us in studying. For example, we shouldn’t go to libraries and spend much time on searching for information, because we have a lot of information in our gadgets with Internet. It saves a lot of time which we can spend on useful tasks. Also, we can find and download every book in one click, that is why, we do not have to keep many books at home. Moreover, if we misunderstand something, for example, a rule or a task, we can find material on the Internet and choose the variant of explanation we understand better, for example, watching educational videos or listening to lectures on a topic we need to know. Technology offers many forms of media that "combine text, audio, visual, graphic and self-motivated elements". These numerous forms of media give you the opportunity for deeper understanding. It is very important that we have an opportunity to study online and get new knowledge in different spheres. Sometimes process of learning online requires communication between teacher and students, and technology can connect such people even if they are far away from each other. Moreover, there are many free online resources for studying without wasting money for special expensive programs. It must be said that with the help of technologies we create bright presentations and do interesting projects; it helps to memorize material better and share knowledge you have with other people.

In conclusion, I would like to say that using technologies helps to improve education and makes the process more interesting. Our world improves, and requires more skills and abilities from people. The development of education should be done in accordance with the development of technology because these two things are connected. Technologies couldn’t be improved without new ideas, and such ideas can appear only if people get a high-quality education.