Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

first day at work

Almost all employment agreements have a probation clause. Its duration differs in different countries. Many European employers believe that a new employee can only really get up to speed and fully meet the firm's business requirements after six months. Therefore, for example, in Germany, as a rule, they set a six-month trial period. In Russia, which in contrast to the solid Germany "and live in a hurry, and feel in a hurry", employers find quite sufficient time from one to three months. They believe that during this time, both sides will be able to evaluate each other and understand who is worth what.

When changing a job or applying for a job for the first time, a newcomer should not consider this clause of the contract as a unilateral condition. Of course, throughout the months of probation, management will closely monitor the new employee to see how well they fit into the position and how well they fit into the team. But the employee himself must have time to determine whether he is satisfied with the new job, whether everything corresponds to the original information about it and whether the management fulfills the promises that were so generously distributed at the interview. Do not waste precious time if it turns out that the new venture does not justify your hopes at all. The sooner you leave this firm, the better it will be for both sides.

Of course, this should only be done in cases where there are fundamental differences and not initial difficulties. And the initial difficulties will be necessary, and they will begin from the very first and most difficult day. Of course, it all depends on what company you are working for. But in any case, this day can not be called a full-fledged working day. In many large foreign firms with a highly developed corporate culture, it is customary to greet a new employee with flowers. In Japanese concerns, a newcomer on the first working day may even be taken to a restaurant for lunch, as if immediately accepting him into a large working family, the image of which is the basis of Japanese corporate culture. Russian employers are still far from such delights. But still, the first working day is usually not quite a working day. In the terminology of racing drivers, this is like a "warm-up circle". Usually this day is dedicated to getting to know other employees, colleagues, departments, and the company's infrastructure — its various divisions. Newcomers are shown office equipment, the specifics of internal communications (Internet, internal IT network, telephone network, etc.), talk about software, explain who to contact on certain issues.

It is clear to everyone that any person on the first day of work is very nervous and worried, experiencing real stress. Still, we must try, despite all the difficulties, to remain calm. It is clear that this will not be easy. But since the main task is to make a good impression, it is necessary to work hard. Naturally, no one expects you to start working as a full-fledged member of the workforce from the very first minute. But you must show that you can quickly get up to speed without turning everything upside down, breaking all the office equipment at once, confusing the head of the Department with the courier, and so on. Here are the main points to pay attention to on your first day at work.

1. Calm down!

Try not to worry too much. The situation itself is already quite stressful, because on the first day you immediately need to "grasp" a new labor organization, new labor processes, and the specifics of the company, and its features, and new faces, names... Better to just by an effort of will to force yourself to concentrate on all those details.

2. Don't be smart!

On the first day, you should not disclose any of your talents. It is more important to show interest in work, attentiveness, observation, desire and ability to learn. In order to avoid being known as a know-it-all that no one likes, do not say phrases like: "why do you do it like this? It is customary to do it differently... I know this and that very well... The other method is much better than your method." Do not make any suggestions at the initial stage, even if they are useful. Try to avoid jumping to conclusions: you will still have to figure out how bad it seemed on the first day, and in General, whether your "rationalization" proposal is appropriate. It may be that the firm has only recently abandoned it, and for it this is yesterday, or it may be a sore point, because it is the person with whom you are currently talking that is blocking the adoption of a new decision. Give up straightforwardness. If you communicate in this manner from the first day, you will not make friends. Instead of giving smart advice, ask about production processes. Ask other colleagues to explain certain problems and explain something that you don't fully understand. Of course, everyone wants to immediately declare themselves as a professional. But don't rush to give smart advice on the first day. Ask questions that start with the word "how"more often.

3. Watch!

Carefully observe how employees work. Pay attention to their internal and industrial relationships, how they communicate with each other, with the boss, with you. You will understand something on the first day if you focus your attention on the factors that determine the corporate culture. These are the values that the firm professes. How friendly colleagues are to each other, how well they are disposed to the new employee, what is their relationship with the boss — whether they are obsequious in communicating with him or are quite democratic. At the very beginning, it is very important to try to understand the unofficial rules of the game in the company. Of course, not on the first day, but in the very near future it will be necessary to determine who is the informal leader, who should be asked for help in non-standard situations, from whom you can get support, and who can not be trusted in any case.

4. Dresscode

The well-known proverb "on clothes meet, and on mind see off" does not lose its relevance. Nothing irritates the team more than a white crow flying in there. Whatever style of clothing you like in life, you should adhere to the accepted conventions at work. It is very unpleasant to feel dressed differently than the situation requires. This rule is well illustrated by a historical anecdote about a man who was desperate to get into the upper classes of society. The local nobility did not want to accept an unequal person, but he tried by hook or by crook to earn their favor. And then one day he finally received a long-awaited invitation to a dinner party. Ordering a smart tuxedo didn't come cheap. The guest arrived on time for the celebration, but everyone was already gathered and sitting at the table. What was his surprise when he saw that the participants of the social event were present... practically in a negligee. The nobles began to apologize to him in unison, explaining that they decided this time just to have fun and spend the evening stripped naked. So that no one would feel awkward, he was asked to go to the next room, take off his clothes and join the society in the Nude, too. A terribly embarrassed guest took a long time to summon the courage to appear naked in front of such a respected society. Not immediately, but he made up his mind... You can only imagine his feelings when, embarrassed by his nakedness, he crossed the threshold and found everyone sitting at the table, but already in tuxedos and with a Prim look. Here is such a "non-aristocratic" joke played by the local aristocracy, making it clear to the upstart about his incongruity in high society.

Needless to say, the business world has its own rules according to which employees of different firms should dress. What is possible, for example, in creative organizations, is completely unacceptable in the banking sector, and so on. See how your colleagues are dressed? Who believes what, or according to some law? If you are not quite sure of the correctness of your assessment, you can delicately ask the most attractive employee of the company if there is really a rule or a certain standard for clothing.

5. Be punctual!

The exact working day is specified in the employment contract. But from the very first days you start to notice that this item does not apply to all employees of the company. Someone, in your opinion, comes to work late and leaves when they want. Don't rush to jump to conclusions about the free mode. What is forgiven, or perhaps allowed, to old employees will not be forgiven to a new employee. Don't be late, especially on the first day, when you come to work or return from lunch, otherwise you can quickly lose the sympathy of your colleagues and the boss.

6. Look for support!

Try to establish relationships with colleagues from the first day: their help and friendly attitude are very necessary at the first stage. Usually, the company's management attaches a mentor to the new employee at first, which helps them adapt faster. But if you find yourself without an official teacher, then you are faced with the task of finding such an employee yourself. Almost any company has experienced colleagues who are ready to take care of young or inexperienced colleagues. Try as quickly as possible to establish a normal relationship with those team members who hold key positions in the organization.

7. Avoid misunderstandings!

Pay close attention to colleagues who are open, friendly and sympathetic to you. But be careful: you can only trust completely when you know the person well. Very often already in the first days with the filing of some "well-wishers" the company begins to spread distorted information about the newcomer. And by then, he had already talked too much about himself. What should I do if someone is spreading lies about you? Of course, it is possible to ignore all the gossip in order to save the effort and energy needed for work. For one-time similar "promotions" - this is the best solution. However, if the gossip about you does not stop and is of a nature that threatens your successful career at the company, it is better to directly talk to this person in the correct form and find out the reasons for his actions. As a rule, the distributor of rumors does not expect an open showdown. If the conversation does not help, then ask for help from people who deserve your trust, the Council of the labor collective, the personnel service, maybe even the chief himself. You must defend yourself. Show that you will not put up with people insulting your personal dignity. You will gain respect for yourself if you immediately and clearly mark the boundaries of what is allowed in your address.

8. Feedback

Naturally, it is better to start communicating with your boss not with conflict situations. After some time, depending on the length of your probation period, you should ask your boss how he evaluates your work. Ask them directly what shortcomings they see in your work, how satisfied they are with you, and what they think you could do even better. Don't be afraid of such questions. They indicate your high social competence. The Manager will understand that you are ready for criticism and are interested in your further professional development at the company. If it turns out that you need to improve your work, do not panic. There is still time to correct the situation.

Don't be a perfectionist!

During the probation period and even immediately after it ends, no one expects you to succeed brilliantly at work. Just because it's impossible. Naturally, you make mistakes. This is due to the fact that you do not fully understand everything, do not fully understand the production processes of the enterprise. Therefore, do not make endless excuses about the shortcomings that arise. Better show understanding and show your desire to correct them, to do a better job next time. Even if on the first day you managed to simultaneously disable the copier, Fax, and computer, and the unfortunate printer was forced to print a thousand pages without interruption, make it clear that you normally accept fair criticism of your address. After all, mistakes are only steps to success!