Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Financial management

Without finance, it is impossible to translate into reality any significant project, open a new business, get a decent education, even relax well without money, is very, very problematic. So is it worth continuing to pretend that we can perfectly do without money in the modern world? Moreover, paper money is gradually leaving everyday life, giving way to plastic cards and electronic money.

Money has long been an integral part of our lives. A very long time ago, people began to use money as it turned out to be the most convenient way to trade. In order to pay for goods and hired labor.

Everyone makes money as he knows how and how he can. But everyone does not depend on how much he earns. People spend money on basic things necessary for life are food, clothes, hobbies, entertainment and more.

Finance I distribute grammotono to my opinion. Working, on the floor of a bet and receiving no large salary, I spend money on the main one, for example: once every two months on clothes, on everyday snacks (necessarily on coffee), on mobile phone payments and set aside for annual trips in Russia. This year, I want to visit St. Petersburg.

I believe that money corrupts a person when he does not know them the value and use. People who, through honest work and their intellectual abilities, earn finances will always find rational use.

I will, that finance is an integral part of our lives. Finance helps us fulfill our desires and basic needs. With proper financial management, they will not develop a person, but will help to increase the benefits.