Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think slowing down the internet would increase or decrease stress?

In our times people became very nervous. Problems could be easy and heavy , but they are decisive. Some troubles are in every family and each person thinks how make life easier.

We all became lazier than people from the past , who were accustomed everything from newspapers , libraries, magazines. They were saving up information from knowledge of their parents and grandparents. This method seams very hard for us , because we can find everything during 5 minutes or less.

As fast as we can find things which we need- better for us and our nerves. We start be mad and angry if internet is slowing down at the moment when we need to know something right now. Or because of pandemic of COVID-19, people staid at homes and spent all the time by watching movies or something else. Just imagine, almost all population of the world use the internet simultaneously. Internet can not deal with this strain and stop sometimes. First days of self- isolation was not as scary . We finally relaxed. But after some time we lost control. We lost our money an nerves because even good movies did not help us.

In conclusion, the internet is very important thing in our life. We live with it so long ,so we can not imagine our day without it. People can become crazy because of internet games , can sit at home for few days, but good side is connect with our family and friends. But anyway , I say that the slowing down the internet is increase stress.