Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think slowing down the Internet would increase or decrease stress?

The Internet is an integral part of our lives. Now people have already forgotten how to live without him and can no longer imagine their life without him. But it's not right. There are more important things and much more exciting than the Internet. Sometimes I myself want to go somewhere far away to the village from all this electronic life, and just relax.

Nevertheless, without the Internet, it would probably be difficult in our modern world, where technology is developed. Any movement in life is directly connected to the Internet. Airports, shops, and even study, work, everywhere it is needed.

It can be concluded that without the Internet, our life would become very difficult, and a slowdown in the Internet would slow down our lives. Everything would start to work slowly, and people would start to worry, it would most likely annoy them, which would make them stressed.

Therefore, yes, I think that the slowdown of the Internet has led to severe stress for all people, all companies, etc. But is it right that we are so dependent on him? After all, before people lived absolutely without the Internet and were happy, carefree, and everything was fine with them.

It seems to me that if now people abandoned the Internet, then they would first suffer, they would be very ill, but then they would get used to it and be happy. I would do such an experiment. It seems to me that life will then become much better, as it was before, everyone was friendly, talked a lot. Now what? Everyone is sitting in their phones, computers. Friendship of the 21st century, what can I say.