Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think it is better to live in a big city or a small town? Why? (Upon the question which is better)

Upon the question which is better, living in big cities or in small towns, people have different opinions about it. Living in big cities has its advantages, but at the same time, there are many disadvantages, too. As for me, I would prefer to live in a small town.

Firstly, a small town is a good place to live in. The air is clean and fresh and there is no need to worry about the space for outdoor exercise. Housing is no problem. Not only can we own a home of our own, one can also afford a garden in which he can grow flowers and vegetables. This means recreation on the one hand and physical exercise on the other.

In addition, living in a small town, one can get the warm friendship and care everywhere. When you walk out, you can always meet friends and chat with them freely and delightfully. If you are ill your neighbor can help you at any time and smoothes your pain. In contrast to this, living in big cities many people are strangers. You cannot tell other people what you are thinking and no one would like to spend a lot of time listening to you. Life is just like a one-man steered small boat in the sea.

On the other hand, everyone knows that on a large city there are competitions and tensions as well as opportunities. Nowadays, with the development pf rapid transportation and telecommunication, moving from place to place, or getting information from outside, either in a big city or a small town, has become easy. Many above­mentioned difficulties will disappear if you live in a small town. One can also easily get medical help from other cities and snap information through television and Internet.

People even could work at home without going to office. That will reduce a lot of time traditionally wasted on the way of going to office and avoid traffic jams and air pollution. It is really getting twice the results with half the effort.

In sum, a small town is clean, quiet and comfortable, and this is attractive to me. Therefore, I prefer to live in a small town.