Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you like the story “Is He Living or is He Dead?”? Why?

The story under analysis is entitled “Is He Living or is He Dead?” and written by M. Twain. I do like the story, since it is not only interesting, but makes me think whether the artist is really dead or alive. Besides, one more question arises: does an artist should really die to become famous? Is there any other opportunity to earn money and become well-known, except for death? I think that these questions are also addressed by the author of the story.

From the very beginning we learn about a man called Smith who is interested in one rich businessman from Lyons who seems alone, sad and dreamy. Though he is called Theophile Magnan, I suppose that he is Francois Millet who has not died, but changed his name according to Carl’s plan described below. That day in the evening Smith decides to retell the story of his life, since the man from Lyons made him recall his poor live without money and food.

Smith says that once he and his two friends (Claude and Carl) were poor artists with no money, popularity and food, so they suffered from starvation, till they came to the house of Francois Millet in the village. He was also poor and hungry, but was ready to share his cabbage with them. When no one wanted to buy their pictures and give them food without money, Carl offered a way out. According to his plan, one of them should “die”, as only in this case his pictures could be sold at a very high price. However, Carl mentioned that no one had to die, but change his name and disappear. So the friends agreed and Francois Millet was chosen for the role of the famous artist who was going to die soon...