Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you agree with the statement: Fear can prevent people from pursuing their dreams

So, of course, I agree that fear can prevent people from fulfilling their dreams. And this happens quite often.

Let's start with the fact that fear is a natural reaction of any person. A certain factor of protection, not only physical, but also emotional. I can say that there are no people who are not afraid of anything. Everyone is afraid of something.

In a particular case, when it comes to dreams, there are several types of fear.

First, there is the "fear of failure". When a person visualizes what he wants to achieve and what needs to be done, there are many ideas for achieving it. But as soon as he thinks about what will happen if he does not succeed, feels the taste of bitter defeat, condemnation from the outside, and so on, the desire to achieve his dreams gradually fades.

Second, it is the "fear of success". Here, a person who has achieved a cherished dream looks back at those who have not yet succeeded, and may feel guilty for their success. It seems to him that he is not worthy of the reward. There are several reasons for the" fear of success": 1) You are a woman. You are not supposed to be successful. You may say that this is the last century, but in reality, this problem is still relevant, although it is gradually becoming obsolete. It is easy enough to convince a successful woman that she is neglecting her family duty, while men who are engaged in a career believe that they are fulfilling it. 2) As a child, you were a prize. Pride in a child's achievements is an ambiguous feeling. This pride implies a sense of ownership. The idea that your accomplishments from childhood to ascribe to themselves the parents can have a negative effect on your perception of success. As if it doesn't belong to you. Often, this is the fault of the parents.

And these are just a couple of examples. There are many more reasons.

I believe that to overcome these fears, you need to fight and work on yourself. Only then will the path to success open up.