Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do I like the story “The Creative Impulse” written by Somerset Maugham?

I can say “yes, I do”, because this story without the time. In our age there is happened the same actions. Men leave his wife for somebody more interesting, and his ex-wife get more time and possibilities for realize her talent. Divorce is the best impulse for developing skills. Every artist needs to go out from his comfort zone.

During the story I see how Mrs. Forrester was a snob. She agrees with Mr. Simmons to no one but the cook would finish her. And we can see how she was a highbrow to the cook when she came to speak with Mr. Albert, she said “I wish to see your master”. However Mrs. Forrester listened to Mrs. Bullfinch and Mr. Albert`s arguments to worth a try writing detective stories. Even they wanted to give her all the advice she need. I guess Mrs. Forrester should listen to their recommendations because they have read hundreds of detective story.

I was very glad when Mrs. Forrester got insight into a gulf separated them. I would like to note there was a good decision to take a tram not to hire a taxi. This is a worthwhile way which can drive her to be closer to the common readers, and to understand them better and to know how they are living. There is in the tram Mrs. Forrester met her true hero for her first detective story. She suddenly made up her mind and felt how her heart beating fast. What a wonderful time is coming!

She wasn`t overcome with grief and rage. And lastly Mrs. Forrester was published with her first detective story although she has reached the respectable age.