Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Commerce in our time


1) Электронная коммерция;(Ecommerce)

2) История электронной коммерции;(History of e-Commerce)

3) Преимущества и недостатки электронной коммерции;(Advantages and disadvantages of e-Commerce)

4) Выход.(Output)


E-Commerce is a sphere of economy that includes all financial and trade transactions carried out using computer networks, and business processes associated with the conduct of such transactions.

E-Commerce includes:

1) electronic exchange of information;

2) electronic movement of capital;

3) electronic commerce;

4) electronic money;

5) e-marketing;

6) electronic banking;

7) electronic insurance services.

The history of the development of e-Commerce

The first e-Commerce systems and methods were born due to the emergence of sales automation technologies and the introduction of automated corporate resource management systems.

In 1960, American Airlines and IBM began to create a system for automating the procedure for reserving seats for flights. The SABRE (Semi-Automatic Business Research Environment) system has made air travel more accessible to ordinary passengers, helping them navigate fares and flights that are constantly growing in number. Due to the automation of the fare calculation process when reserving seats, the cost of services has decreased, and passenger transportation has increased. A joint project between American Airlines and IBM is one of the first examples of e-Commerce.

In 1971, students at Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of technology, using the ARPANET computer network of the Stanford artificial intelligence laboratory (the forerunner of the Internet), organized the sale of marijuana. Later, these transactions were considered the first online transactions, the beginning of e-Commerce.

In 1979, Michael Aldrich demonstrated the first online shopping system.

In 1981, Thomson Holidays UK was created - the first online shopping system for businesses.

In 1982, Minitel was introduced by France Télécom nationwide and used for online orders.

In 1983, the California state Assembly holds its first hearing on "e-Commerce" in Vulcan, California.

In 1995, Jeff Bezos launches Amazon.com and start broadcasting the first 24-hour radio stations without ads, Radio HK and NetRadio. eBay was founded by programmer Pierre Omidyar as AuctionWeb. 4 years later, Alibaba Group was founded in China. Business.com it was sold to eCompanies for 7.5 million US dollars, which was purchased in 1997 for 149 thousand us dollars. A peer-to-peer file sharing program called Napster is launched. ATG Stores has opened the sale of decorative items for

the home on the Internet. In December 2001 Alibaba.com achieved profitability.

In 2002, eBay acquired PayPal for $ 1.5 billion.

In 2003 Amazon.com publishes the first annual profit.

In 2004, it appeared DHgate.com, the first Chinese platform for online B2B transactions, which became an incentive for other b2b platforms to move away from the "yellow pages" model.

In 2007 Business.com acquired by R. H. Donnelley for $ 345 million.

In 2015 Amazon.com provides more than half of all e-Commerce growth,

selling nearly 500 million SKUs in the US.

In 2017: e-Commerce Retail sales worldwide reached $ 2.304 trillion, up 24.8% from the previous year.

The e-Commerce market has been developing most dynamically over the past 20 years, due to the rapid growth of the number of Internet users, the increasing influence of social networks and other interactive online platforms, the dynamic development of electronic payment systems and the transition of leading market players to new technological platforms for e-Commerce

According to the results of the study, total turnover the volume of online Commerce in 2012 amounted to 350.6 billion rubles, and the number of online stores in 2012 (compared to 2011) increased by 30% and amounted to 32.5 thousand. In 2011, the total turnover of online stores was estimated at 258 billion rubles. The growth of the market volume increased by 36 %. According to the results of the RAEC research for 2012, the volume of the online trading market amounted to 284.96 billion rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of e-Commerce


For organizations:

1) Global scale;

2) Reduction of costs;

3) Improving supply chains;

4) Business is always open;

5) Personalization;

6) Rapid withdrawal of product on the market;

7) Low cost of distributing digital products.

For consumers:

1) Ubiquity;

2) Anonymity;

3) Large selection of products and services;

4) Personalization;

5) Cheaper products and services;

6) Operative delivery;

7) Electronic socialization.

For society:

1) A wide range of services provided (for example, education, health, public services);

2) Improving living standards;

3) Improving national security;

4) Reducing the digital divide;

5) Online sale/ordering of goods/services reduces car traffic and reduces environmental pollution.


For organizations:

1) Possible doubts of the parties about the belonging of a particular project to the company (negative anonymity);

2) Some difficulty in maintaining and legalizing the company's activities on the Internet.

For consumers:

1) Consumer distrust of services sold via the Internet;

2) Inability to "touch" the product with your hands;

3) Waiting for delivery of purchased products;

4) Possible difficulties and expenses when returning the product;

5) Additional cost for product delivery.

For society:

1) An attractive platform for fraud (reducing the level of network security);

2) Ousting commercial offline businesses from the market;

3) For the state;

4) Non-receipt of tax payments to the state budget when maintaining "gray" accounting schemes.


E-Commerce is becoming an important component of the life of modern developed society. The ease of making orders, the speed of searching for the necessary goods and services, the wide range of products provided - this is a small list of advantages of electronic sales compared to traditional shopping in stores, for which they are increasingly preferred.

In this regard, there is a demand for improving computer technologies, which leads not only to simplifying the use of the system of virtual orders, but also to improving the quality of operations, to increasing the reliability of services provided via the INTERNET.

Despite the growing interest in virtual sales, there are still many problems in e-Commerce that complicate the normal implementation of operations and compliance with the rights of parties entering into an electronic contract.

Attempts are being made to solve these problems, and this is especially important now, when the prospects for increasing the share of electronic sales in the total market volume at the current stage of business development are so great.