Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is a hero for you? Hero? Who is it?

In mythology, heroes were called those who performed feats, killed monsters and monsters, extracted treasures, fought against injustice, defended the weak. Hercules, Prometheus, Ilya Muromets and other main characters of various myths and legends. These characters were also distinguished by honesty and valor.

For many centuries in the history of the world heroes have become strong and courageous, brave and just. Such as, for example, the emperors and generals from the times of Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and until the Second World War: Alexander the Great, Emperor Peter 1, Field Marshal General Mikhail Kutuzov, Marshal Georgy Zhukov.

Also I would refer to the heroes of people making discoveries and breakthroughs in the scientific world. It's not like thinking everything, to go against the common opinion, to explore and reinvent is a feat of heroes. Edison invented the light bulb, accomplishing the day from the day of the feat - experimenting constantly. He did not quit his job after the first and the tenth attempts of failure. I believed in myself and my idea. The invention of the aircraft - a feat of the Wright brothers, who despite the belief of the people of that time in the impossibility of flying, did not abandon their attempts and climbed to the sky.

In my opinion, heroes can also be called outstanding personalities, fighting for injustice, helping the weak. These include Mother Teresa, doctors and volunteers in third world countries who risk their health day by day to help weak, disadvantaged people. These people by their actions (helping people) - show the soul of great heroes.

Also modern heroes, I will name people profession firefighters, military, rescue and security personnel. All those who help people in large natural disasters (flood, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes) and ordinary household difficulties (from removing the cat from the tree and opening the door to the apartment that accidentally slammed to save the lost in the forest and the breakaway ice floe fishermen).

In the modern world, it can be said that every person who fights for injustice and helps the weak, performs "feats" helping others, is the hero. I refer to such people all those who create funds to help patients with various complex diseases, humanitarian aid funds affected by floods and other natural disasters and from military operations. And to such heroes, I will take all those who contribute to such funds.

Also in the modern world, I call heroes those who perform feats in the scientific world and the world of the arts. These characters, inventing objects, improve human existence and help humanity: from the invention of a screwdriver to a coffee machine. The creation of a literary work, a picture, a film that changes the views of an ordinary person to the world, thanks to which a man becomes kinder to himself, people, nature - a heroic feat.

To heroes, I would have attributed another category of people - athletes. These people are training their body every day, making victories in the world of sports. Of course, this is for most people just entertainment - to watch the struggle of strong and hardy people. So it was introduced since ancient Greece and Rome. But ... Athletes are people who show and prove that sport benefits the body, that a healthy lifestyle is important, it prolongs life and helps fight diseases. And the fact that they inspire one or a thousand people for sports is a feat for me. Also I consider them to be heroes, because they courageously overcome the possibilities of their own body day after day. They set records for speed, strength, endurance. But most of all I consider Heroes (with a capital letter) category of athletes with disabilities. They are people who managed to overcome their physical and psychological shortcomings. Their feat is a feat for oneself - to become stronger both psychologically and physically.

Their feat is to show other people that there is a way out of any situation.For me, any person who has managed to overcome his bad habits and fears, overcome stereotypes of society (the impossible is possible: you can love, get married and give birth, at 50 do yoga and become healthier than 20-year-olds). Anyone who goes to his goal despite ridicule and reproaches (for example, that if you learned to work with accountants for them, why do you become a pilot at the "dawn of years") and strive for more. Someone who helps other people somewhere in a word, somewhere in business, somewhere simply inspires something more, to overcome themselves and the stereotypes of society.

I believe that the hero is any parent who sincerely loves and cares for his child - he who instills universal values: love, care for the weaker and smaller brothers, good and help (to share the toy and to give the place to the grandmother). Unfortunately, in the modern world, there is still a place for parents-tyrants and alcoholics. But I know many cases when such parents grow up hero children. Those who have experienced pain and suffering have become stronger, wiser and will never hurt others, but on the contrary help and disinterestedly care.

Do I consider myself a hero? Yes. With regard to overcoming some internal and external barriers. Staying positive, despite the difficulties external and internal. To smile and remain human, to help and forgive rudeness and ignorance is one of my strongest traits. Life taught me this. I once overcame a very serious illness and its consequences. Then my mother became my mother and sister, who helped me to believe in myself and overcome my illness. They were scared, they were hurt. But it was their desire to help and a positive attitude that helped me overcome fear and learn how to walk again and appreciate life. I'll tell the truth, smile, when you are not always offended. But resentment and anger to transfer to other innocent people in this - a big sin, in my opinion.

I am the Hero for myself. And for me ALL PEOPLE who overcome themselves, the opinions of others, the difficulties of circumstances, external and internal barriers, remain at the same time human, kind, understanding, caring, sincere, bright people, inspiring others - HEROES. And all the physical and psychological overcoming that are done by them are FEATURES. And performing heroic deeds the heroes remain honest in relation to themselves and others, which is the true valor of the HERO.