Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What specific things can you do to achieve your goal?


A goal is an idea or a necessity. The goal can be global or small. But it is very important to write on paper. You can tell very close people that they periodically remind you of it.

If the goal is an idea. Then it is necessary to clearly plan the achievement of the goal and set the deadline for achieving the goal. Without an action plan - the goal is only a desire. No time limit - unattainable as a dream. And the items of the plan are micro-objectives that help to achieve the main goal faster and easier.

If the goal is a necessity, then a plan is also needed. But this plan is formed under the circumstances that a person has: to lose weight, for example, to improve health, or to pass an important report.

It should be noted that goals can change, lose relevance and importance. So a woman, when a child was born, the first and main goal is to take care of him and his upbringing. All other goals go to the background. May be postponed until better times or lose meaning at all.

Sometimes the goal so strongly takes possession of a person that he loses reference points in space and time, and sometimes in morality. Such goals may be for scientists who forget to eat even for the development of the project. Also a vivid example are the goals of people with bad motives: murderers, "black" realtors. As a rule, such people do not stop at nothing on the way to achieving their goals. Neither time, nor society, nor morality for them is not a barrier.

The brightest example of what a person is capable of achieving is the invention of a light bulb. Edison probably did not set a date for himself, but he implemented his idea with a lot of attempts of various experiments. And eventually invented a unique light bulb.

What can I achieve when I achieve my goal? First of all, it is to sacrifice time. It is important for me to achieve the goal as soon as possible. This gives me interest and adrenaline. Sometimes I unconsciously or deliberately delay the terms, then to apply on adrenaline maximum efforts and achieve the goal.

Maybe I'm testing the significance of the goal for me? If I do not keep within certain time limits, then this goal is not so important to me. I use a little philosophical approach, so as not to be upset. The negative side of delaying time - wasting my strength, energy, health is irrational. Many experiences and complaints that did not have time.

But that was before. In this way, I attracted attention and sympathy. Now the approach to setting and achieving goals has changed. I determine the main, easy, urgent goals and act accordingly. Also, the attitude to the results of goals has changed: the goals from desires are clearly divided. This will bring to special things when the goal is achieved. I changed my outlook and overcame the "negative" aspects of my character in this matter.

Even to the special things in achieving the goal, I will refer to what I began to seek help from people. To those who can help speed up the process of achieving the goal. Earlier there was an ideology - "I myself!". For today it is a relic of the past. True, they say, "if you want to achieve something, do it yourself." And it is right. In any case, you will achieve your goal for yourself. But people should not be refused help from people. Someone can support the word, someone can do it. Support is very important when the goal is achieved. You are afraid to share with others - use the stories of successful people who have already achieved their goals, overcome their weaknesses, fears and circumstances. It used to be like this: I easily pushed my goals to help others. Today, my approach to achieving the goal - "everything is good in moderation."

I will help with pleasure but without losing my own landmarks. Helping someone is not a sacrifice or coercion. The ability to provide help is joy and pleasure. Then help will be appreciated and it will be useful. Not for nothing they say "a disservice" - help for half or not help at all.

The only thing that I will never go to achieve the goal - all immoral and all that can harm people. I better abandon the goal or change the path to achieve it, than cause someone harm. By "harm" I understand only that which will harm the health or natural well-being of people.If it is a matter of inflicting damage on the vain manly whims, then this is the man's problem. For example, does the athlete or contestant refuse to take the first place from his goal, knowing that getting a second will cause a trauma to the silver medalist? Of course not.

So. Everyone has a goal. Personal or forced. The most important thing when achieving the goal is to maintain a sound mind. Otherwise, the goal will turn into an "obsession" and even a whim. And not getting what you want can greatly damage the psyche of the "possesse. To all people who are going to the goal, I want to: overcome their weaknesses, preserving the moral and physical framework for themselves.