Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What does it mean to be successful?

To be successful is to be content and happy with one's self. Society leads us to believe that having the best latest luxuries that life offers is the meaning of being successful. Let's face it, who does not like to have a new car, the latest fashions and technology, and the finest house. Does having all these material things make one successful? Everyone wants to be successful. It is not something that is gained overnight. It is accomplishing something one worked so hard to achieve. Also to be successful can mean financial stability, to become more healthy, to live a dream life or to become more independent.

Success isn't something you can frame on the wall. It's not something that you can attain once and then discard as having accomplished it. It's not a level of achievement or an objective. It's not a social status or the amount of money in the bank. It's not how many languages I can speak or how many businesses I have founded.

Success is knowing what's possible, not just believing in it.

But what if you don't have any goals? In that case your goal should be to free yourself of anything that might be preventing you from discovering your purpose — from discovering the life you want to live.

All of these people that do hard work get a good deed. Success is up to the person who is willing to put up the fight for it, it’s not just handed to anyone. Everyone holds the key to their future and it all depends on what you want.

At the end I want to say that to me to be successful it means to set a personal goal and achieve it, like graduating university and get good job that can makes a lot of money for good life. I believe anyone can be successful because you set your own goals and accomplish them in your own way.