Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What does it mean to be successful?

Every person, even the one who denies this desire with all his might, secretly or clearly dreams of becoming successful. Why is this so? Because successful people grab attention, they enjoy universal respect, live a vibrant and rich life, earn good money and do not need anything. This list forms a certain stereotypical image of a successful person that has developed in our society.

But only one person who has achieved certain results can be successful. For this it is important to be able to set goals. They may be big or small. And these goals should be correct, that is, really desirable, important for the individual, and not just imposed by the people, parents, environment, fashion, etc. If a person knows what he really wants, then it helps him to become successful. Success does not come just by itself, it must be pursued. For this purpose, purposefulness and perseverance are important, as well as the ability to overcome difficulties and not to lose heart. Endurance, hard work, professionalism and the desire to learn something new - these are the qualities necessary for a successful person. Courage is another important feature of successful people. All the great discoveries seemed insane at first, but their authors took a risk, they believed in themselves and their goal.

Success should be real, not artificial, ostentatious. Nowadays, social networks are full of photos designed to reassure others that their owners are incredibly successful people. In this case, a significant part of these photos - just a hoax. Do not turn life into one continuous marathon without stopping. Every person needs rest, physical and emotional. You can not sacrifice health or loved ones to achieve success, otherwise later it will have to regret. A sick and lonely person is unlikely to be called successful.

And so, a successful person is one who knows how to turn a dream into a goal, that is, he has the courage not only to talk and dream, but also to start acting to achieve his intended goal.