Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What characteristics do you think natural leaders have?

Who can be called a leader? What characteristics natural leaders have? In this essay, I will try to answer these questions.

Scientists around the world still argue and cannot come to a common opinion on what qualities push a person to lead. In my opinion, a leader is a person who leads many other people and takes care of them. The leader stands out vividly against their background and occupies an authoritative place among them.

On the one hand, a leader must be determined and respond quickly in critical situations. The leader knows that the assigned within human capabilities.

On the other hand, a leader must be a magnet a central figure which everyone else is drawn. He should become a legend a hero of real or fictional stories.

From my point of view, there are many leaders in politics. For example, Obama and Putin. They are both respected, followed and perhaps admired. They have a common character trait. This trait is charisma. Charisma is an attractive trait with a pronounced personality in combination with excellent communication skills. Moreover, charisma is a very important trait of a leader in which he is recognized by other people who surround him. The basis of leadership is the ability to clearly visualize the future and to present it competently. A charismatic leader thinks through his ideas to the smallest details.

In conclusion, there are many opinions on what a leader should be. I’m sure that leaders were always and everywhere. I believe that being a leader is not easy. Leadership implies a responsibility for actions and taking consequences. Only a good leader can admit his mistakes. A leader is not only a leader but also a mentor who can easily unite people into a single whole and will be able to motivate the action. If we consider a historical term, people always survived in groups. The group should have a leader.