Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What can you say about Hamlet, the main character of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark?

Hamlet has become one of the most beloved images in the world literature. Moreover, he ceased to be just a character of an ancient tragedy and is perceived as a living person, well known to many readers. In the whole play “Hamlet” there are a lot of mysterious, unclear things. Some readers consider Hamlet to be a weak-willed person, others think he was a brave fighter.

    In the tragedy of the Danish Prince the main thing is not in external events, not in exceptional grandeur and bloody incidents. The main thing is what happens all this time in the mind of the hero. In the soul of Hamlet dramas are played no less painful and terrible than those that occur in the lives of other actors of the play.

    We can say that Hamlet's tragedy is the tragedy of man's knowledge of evil. From time to time the existence of the hero was serene. He lived in a family, illuminated by the mutual love of parents and he loved and felt reciprocity from the lovely girl. Hamlet had good friends. Hero was enthusiastically engaged in science, loved the theater, wrote poetry. He had a great future ahead of him – to become a king and rule his people. But suddenly everything began to crumble. Hamlet's father died in his Prime. No sooner the hero had to go through this grief, as he suffered from a second blow: his mother married the uncle of Hamlet two months later. More than that, she shared the throne with him. And here comes the time of the third blow: Hamlet learnt that his father was killed by his own brother to take possession of his crown and wife.

    Is it surprising that the hero was on the verge of despair. Everything that made his life valuable collapsed before his eyes. Hamlet has never been so naive as to think that there are no misfortunes in life. But he had a very rough idea about it. The troubles that struck the hero, forced him to look at everything in a new way. In the mind of Hamlet with unprecedented sharpness began to arise questions: what is life worth? what is death? can people believe in love and friendship? is it possible to be happy? can evil be destroyed?

    Hamlet used to think that man was the center of the Universe. But under the influence of misfortune, his view of life and nature changed dramatically.

    From the very beginning of the tragedy we see Hamlet shocked. The further the action develops, the more clearly becomes the spiritual discord experienced by the hero. Claudius and all the filth that surrounded him, Hated hamlet. He decided to take a revenge.

    Throughout the play, Hamlet is tormented by the contradiction between his own extreme confusion and a keen sense of human capabilities. I was impressed by the play very much. To my mind, it is Hamlet's optimism and inexhaustible energy that make the readers adore the hero.