Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Цивилизация и прогресс

As with most questions that deal with finding meaning in human values and human existence, the answer to a problem: civilization is a curse or a blessing, will be ambiguous. There are many opinions about civilization and its role in human development. Historians have different points of view about the importance of civilization speaking about the benefits or harm which it has brought to the man and the environment. It seems to me, it requires a reflection on what has really been gained by the events of civilization, and whether those advantages overweigh the shortcomings of the “civilized world.”

We are very pleased to enjoy the benefits of modern civilization, often without thinking about its shortcomings such as: impure water, air, penetration of chemicals and radiation into our lives. And unfortunately, we have become accustomed to a huge amount of stress in the rapid rhythm of life. Civilization makes our life easier. As a result, people forgot how to survive in extreme conditions. Moreover, we are destroying the natural environment on which we depend but a civilized man forgot about it.

Nevertheless, technological progress is one of the advantages of civilization. The technique is capable to facilitate our life, making the most part of necessary work instead of us. Also, vaccines against many illnesses have appeared. Secondly, modern man is very mobile: we can fly from one continent to another and it takes us only a few hours.

Though I can only point to my own feelings as the basis for this argument, I think that humanity success tips the balance of civilization in favor of blessing.