Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

There is no doubt that sometimes people don't know what to do to achieve their goal

There is no doubt that sometimes people don't know what to do to achieve their goal. However, if people do know how to achieve their goal, if they have a plan, it will be much easier for them to get whatever they want.

As for me, I think that achieving your goal requires a lot of patience. First of all, sometimes you have to wait for the time to come to make the first move, but yet you can use this waiting to properly think about your plan or whatever else you would possibly need. Sometimes people don't even have enough patience to wait for the right moment, which is why they will fail later. Besides, you will need a lot of tenacity to take your aim and never back down. Finally, you'll have to refuse lots of things and work hard no matter what to get whatever you want.

However, sometimes people don't want to work hard to achieve their goal, they want a miracle, they want everything to happen all of a sudden and get whatever they want for no cost. It happens like this sometimes, but you shouldn't rely on a miracle, if you want to get something you'll have to work hard and pay.

Nevertheless, there are people that work hard their whole life to achieve their goal and yet they won't succeed. There are lots of reasons why it could happen, they could choose a wrong moment to act or they had no plan and started doing everything all of a sudden. I am sure that if people will think before doing something they will achieve a lot of things.

To sum up, I strongly believe that everything you need to achieve your goal is plan, patience and ability to think. Personally, I always have a plan and wait for the right moment.