Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

There is hardly a person to whom asking the question "Who is a hero for you?

There is hardly a person to whom asking the question "Who is a hero for you? will give a sure answer. Is it a person which made a revolution cause to put away the totalitarian government? Or is it someone who helps people without revealing his identity? Won’t lie, when we hear the word "hero", we imaging a Marvel's superhero with a perfect body, a beautiful face, a brilliant mind and with a supernatural power. I think that everybody, to a certain degree, can be a hero. For a child, any passerby can become a hero just because he helped to took off a kitten from a tree. A hero for me it is my brother. I will explain why.

Since childhood, my older brother has always defended me from hooligans, he taught me how to live and cope with difficulties in my life. Moreover, even now, when we are both adults, when we are now in different countries and thousands of kilometers separate us, my brother defends and controls me despite the distance.

Moreover, even now, my brother protects the lives of other people, risking his own life. Denis - the name of my brother - is in the Security Service of Ukraine, in the Special Division "Alpha", and every time, talking to him on video, he tells me a lot of histories, which, unfortunately, is not always funny. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you one of his stories, because it’s top secret. After such stories, I understand that my brother is really a hero who protects people and loves his country.

However, I can say that opinions are different. Some people don’t consider the work of a policeman to be heroic, but, on the contrary, find it too difficult and boring. Moreover, they think that, in general, the work of a policeman consists of writing reports and permanently being in the office. This is not true. The work of a policeman requires excellent physical fitness and is full of difficulties.

In conclusion, I want to say that every person can be a hero, and for me the important thing is for a person not to shout about his exploits at every step. My brother is exactly like that. He is a true hero.