Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


Most researchers note that the great industrial revolution of the XVII-XIX centuries had a much more significant impact on the theory and practice of management than all previous revolutions. It was at this stage that management began to develop in the form in which we used to perceive this word. It was then that there was a need for talented managers who could develop their strategy for managing the company and business development and lead the company to success, or, in extreme cases, save it from bankruptcy.

By the end of XIX-the beginning of XX century there were the first works in which attempt of scientific generalization of the saved-up experience and formation of bases of science of management was made. It was a response to the needs of industrial development, mass production and mass marketing, orientation to large-capacity markets and large-scale organization in the form of powerful corporations and joint stock companies.

In General, it should be recognized that the period of domination of the classical direction of management was fruitful-there was a science of management, a new fundamental concept, increased the efficiency of production processes.

As an independent science management originated at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. It was during this period that the first works devoted to the management of economic activity appeared.

This was largely determined by the needs of capitalist society. The division of labor has led to the fact that production has become very complex, and, consequently, complicated and mechanisms of management.

The founder of the classical school of "scientific management" is considered to be Frederick Taylor-practical engineer and Manager, who solved in his daily work the problems of rationalization of production and labor in order to increase productivity and efficiency. The main idea of Taylor was that management should become a system based on certain scientific principles, should be carried out by specially developed methods and activities, that is, that it is necessary to design, normalize, standardize not only the technique of production, but also labor, its organization and management, should also improve the system of remuneration.

We emphasize that the rapid development of industry predetermined the further evolution of scientific views of the classical school. The development of Taylor's ideas was continued by the outstanding French engineer Henri Fayol, who proposed a formalized description of the work of managers in organizations, highlighting their characteristic activities or functions: planning, organization, leadership, coordination and control.

Further, it is necessary to point out the existence of the School of "human relations" (humanistic management), which focuses on the psychology of relationships, behavior and needs of people, social interactions and group interests. There are three areas of focus: human relations, human resources and behaviorism, (Munsterberg, Mayo, Maslow).

A great contribution to the development of the school of "human relations" was made in the 40-60s of the XX century, when behavioral scientists developed several theories of motivation. One of them is Abraham Maslow's hierarchical theory of needs.

The modern system of views on management was formed in the 50s of the XX century as a quantitative school of management science, based on the understanding of complex management problems, thanks to the development and application of models using quantitative methods (Akoff, beer, Goldberg). In the school of management science there are two main directions: production is considered as a "social system", and system and situational analyses are used with the use of matmetodes and computerization. Other new approaches include: decision tree, brainstorming, goal management, diversification, budgeting, quality circles, portfolio management. Another, no less important, direction is the derivation of General principles of complex systems using synergetic methodology (principles of nonlinearity, self-organization, nonequilibrium of economic processes). This movement in management has been called "evolutionary management".

As for modern Russia, the situation has changed significantly in recent years. The administrative system of management was replaced by a market system; democratization processes brought citizens rights and freedoms; introduction to the technological, electronic and information revolutions completely changed the Russian way of life.

Major changes in Russia include the transition to market and democracy. As a result of the transition to the market, Russian enterprises received free prices, the right to choose suppliers and consumers, the prospect of entering international markets. At the same time, competition tightened, foreign manufacturers appeared on the domestic market.

The arrival of foreign participants brought both new opportunities and new challenges.

It should be noted that the main opportunities will be to attract foreign investment and acquisition of technological and managerial experience, and the main problem is the lack of competitiveness of domestic products due to technological and managerial backwardness.

The transition to market conditions is accompanied by the formation of the labor market, increased social responsibility of enterprises, a greater focus on the rule of law.

As a result of the changes that have occurred in recent years, Russian enterprises have received not only new opportunities, but also numerous difficulties, which are mainly internal in nature and related to the need to reform the organization, approaches in management.

The previous paradigm of governance in Russia was based on the Marxist interpretation of economic development. The role of the economic Foundation of a fair distribution of the results of labor was performed by public ownership of the means of production, the plan acted as a regulator of production.

The economic theory of socialism justified the need to implement such fundamental provisions as the concentration of production, its monopolization at state enterprises, the orientation of production specialization on economic efficiency, the closeness of the single economic complex of the country.

The expediency of regulating the market through certain public policies in such areas as socio-economic, monetary, structural, investment and scientific and technical, was almost universally recognized after the devastating global crisis of the late 1920s. The state should establish and protect the General rules of the market, using such forms of intervention as legislation (including antitrust), state orders, licensing of exports and imports, setting credit rates, various forms of stimulation and control of the rational use of natural resources, etc.

In the current conditions, the state is entrusted with the regulation of non-market economic zones, such as: environmental security, socio-economic human rights, income redistribution, scientific and technological progress, the elimination of structural and regional imbalances, the development of effective international economic relations.

Performing these functions, the state regulates supply and demand at the macro level, without interfering and without limiting the mechanism of self-regulation at the level of organizations between which commodity-money exchange is carried out.

Different are the forms of state influence used, which increasingly turn into " soft "instruments of regulation( tax, credit, depreciation, tariff policy).

The transition to a polycentric system of management provides a significant increase in the role of self-government at all levels. In the conditions of the Russian Federation, economic centers are increasingly moving to the level of regions, the economic independence of which is increasing. This leads to an increase in the number and complexity of tasks to be solved in the regions, significantly simplifying the system of management of the national economy as a whole, reducing entropy – an element of randomness and contributing to the manageability of the Russian economy.

We should not forget about the fact that an important provision of the new paradigm is the installation of a combination of market and administrative methods of management of public sector enterprises. The public sector of the economy is shrinking due to the expansion of market entrepreneurship. It accounts for a significant portion of the country's gross domestic product, but the importance of large and super-large enterprises to the economy is unlikely to decrease.

The concept of managing non-governmental organizations as open, socially oriented systems means turning to the market and the consumer. It should be noted that each organization operating in a market environment must independently solve the issues of internal organization, establishing rational relations with the external environment. Marketing research, expansion of foreign economic relations, attraction of foreign capital, establishment of communications are the most important issues for organizations.

Social orientation of the organization means that along with economic function it implements and the social role with reference to the orientation of the consumer and his needs, i.e. the needs of society in goods and services produced by the enterprise, as well as from the standpoint of solving the major social problems of labor collectives of the organization.

Thus, the new concept of management in modern Russian business should combine: decentralization based on a combination of market and state regulation of socio-economic processes; transition to a polycentric system of management; management of public sector enterprises based on a combination of market and administrative methods; self-government of non-state sector organizations as open, socially oriented systems.

Also, the latest system of building a business in Russia should have the following distinctive properties: the enterprise-an open system, considered in the unity of internal and external factors; focus on the quality of products and services, customer satisfaction; situational approach to management; the main source of surplus value-people with knowledge and conditions for the realization of their potential; management system, focused on increasing the role of organizational culture and innovation, motivation of employees and management style.

Also in my study, I would like to pay special attention to the issue of the management model of the organization, which is a dynamic entity that changes both under the influence of the external environment and for internal reasons. In a sense, this is a field for experiments, where the Manager chooses the best control action from the variety of possible. The model is not only a way to display the state of the company, but also, of course, the object of work.

The theory and practice of management today are undergoing a Grand revolution. The basic models of management of the organization are actively changing-and this is despite the fact that the theory and practice of management has constantly evolved before, which is reflected in the emergence and development of different schools and areas of management. Now both the American management strategy, which can be called an old classic, and the Japanese (relatively young) give way to a new model – marketing.

As for the American model of organization management, it assumes that the result of the company depends on internal components: optimal production process, reducing costs, finding reserves, increasing productivity. In this model, the enterprise is considered a closed system, and the setting of goals and objectives is carried out for a long time, during which they are considered stable. The concept of the enterprise is based on the growth of production and deepening of its specialization, the structure of the company is divided by functionality-management is divided into services. This system also involves the control of all areas of work and the precise execution of directives from above.

The Japanese model of organization management was formed under the influence of local culture, politics and economy and is considered to be the most effective for creating a harmonious and mobile company. The specificity of the Japanese system is reflected in the management of personnel, production, sales and sales, as well as in financial management. The main characteristics of the model are interesting: the system of lifelong recruitment and promotion, the main criteria here are the age of the employee and seniority; gradation of wages depending on the age of the employee and personal interest in the quality of their work, rationalization of the production process; organization of work in groups; continuous industrial training. The main principle of the Japanese management system is the improvement of the entire enterprise, considered as a whole.

The innovative management model of the organization – marketing-is based on the following principles: orientation to the person wishing self-realization; the company is considered as a single living system in which people are United by common values; the organization must internally strive for permanent renewal, which aims to adapt to changing external factors, and especially to the main one-the consumer.

It should also be noted that the marketing model assumes that the company is an open system, the success of which is determined by external factors; the result of the enterprise is dependent on the ability of the firm to adapt to the economic, political and scientific-technical reality. This model has a situational approach: the internal organization of management is a response to changes in the external environment. The organization's control levers adjust to finding and describing new problems and then developing solutions. The priority is not to focus on careful spending of resources, but on the ability to distribute effectively.

The marketing approach embodies a vivid example of the model of strategic management of the organization, in which the planning of the enterprise's potential is complemented by the planning of strategic development in accordance with forecasts for the external environment. In practice, each change in the environment involves amendments to the development strategy, and certain measures are considered in order to reduce resistance to change. The model of strategic management introduces new requirements for employees and management culture, throws new challenges: the lack of fear of grandiose changes and the desire for them, the willingness to take risks, the desire to receive and explore new opportunities.

Let us emphasize that today Russian business is in an unusual situation: the economy is growing more slowly, demand is falling, and with it the overall profitability of the business. We have the opportunity to draw on the experience of those countries where such problems have been successfully solved and project it on the Russian market participants.

From the American model of organization management, our managers should first of all adopt the ideas of Henry Ford, who paid great attention to the operational side of business - not the most characteristic feature of Russian companies. In his time, Ford has made a real revolution in technology, efficiency, management. Many of his decisions are relevant to this day, but due to certain circumstances are ignored by most of the leaders. In particular, how to spend less time and effort on each work operation, how to achieve greater results with fewer staff, how to interact in the production chain.

At the time, Japanese managers drew attention to the main weakness of the operational approach – the alienation of man from the labor process. When it is important for the employee to perform his operation and, in General, not to show any interest in the overall result. That is why Japanese managers actively involve employees in the company's Affairs. "Quality circles" were established at the enterprises – groups of employees who regularly meet to identify factors that affect the efficiency of production and product quality, as well as to prepare specific proposals for their elimination. Developing this practice, Japanese managers began to introduce collective methods of work-working groups, project teams. This approach has proved to be very productive and has provided Japanese companies with leadership in many areas, which can also have a positive economic effect on most Russian companies.

I would like to draw special attention to the experience of Scandinavian countries, especially Sweden. The most important distinguishing feature of this management model is the consideration of the person in the business environment in the first place. In Scandinavian companies, the difference in the status of managers and employees is less noticeable. The organizational structure is not very strict, often the employee is functionally subordinated to several managers. Important decisions are openly discussed by the whole team. It is thanks to these approaches that most Scandinavian companies are showing impressive success today.