Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The Most Beautiful Thing in the World

The most beautiful thing in this world is not something you can touch, but something you can feel. It is faithfulness.

Everyone really wants to see this quality in his or her loved ones. Everyone in love, everyone who has a friend, hopes that they will not betray him. On holidays, we wish each other faithful friends, faithful spouses. What is this great value for people, which losing it for us is a huge tragedy?

Faithfulness according to the dictionary is perseverance and immutability in your feelings, relationships, in the performance of duties, duty. That is, it is such a quality of a person that guarantees to others that one can rely on his word. Moreover, it is good when this quality is natural, from the heart, not by coercion. True fidelity means that a person is not indifferent to something or someone. If you are lucky enough to have a truly loyal person, proven in both grief and joy, they should be cherished.

But in fact, what do people usually regard as fidelity? He promised to love until death part, be kind to perform, despite the fact that they have not been interesting to each other for a long time. He took the oath of allegiance to the sovereign, be kind to die for him, no matter how ridiculous edicts he issued. Yes, in my opinion, the concept of loyalty has its own dark side. And is blind faithfulness good or does man in life have to act on the basis of common sense?

I once was told a story. It's a bit of fidelity, a bit of heroism. It said that during the war, during a fierce battle, under bullets, soldiers were to save the red banner at all costs. You could not leave him, it was treason. And the guys died just in order to take a piece of cloth to a safe place. Ten, one hundred people. A whole regiment could be assembled. So many sons return to mothers. Simple arithmetic. But it was a symbol of loyalty to his country, the army.

In my opinion, each person should remain true to himself, and in relation to the rest be honest and merciful. Because I, for example, would not want my friend to communicate with me if he does not want it, but only because he has to be true to me. But on the other hand, I would be hurt if he just started to ignore me and tell my secrets to his new friends. Now, if he honestly said: "My friend, I'm sorry, I'm bored with you, I want to be friends with someone else, I'm more interested in spending time with him, but I'm glad that we have been close for so long. Let everything that we shared remain between us, "I would not be sweet either, but it's still better than any other option. Honesty for me is loyalty.

Of course, you can say that you must always carefully weigh what you say that you promise someone. It is right. But no one in life is immune to change. Every day something happens to us, we change, develop, we have new interests, new feelings. Feelings are a special case, because they depend little on us, at best we can control them by willpower. I do not think that a person should sacrifice himself for anything, because that's how he will suffer, and an unfortunate person will torment others.

If you really want loyalty, get a dog. She will love you always and will not want to own another master. Of course, if you do not begin to educate her with beatings. But the person is a changeable creature, ask him to be honest with you, this is the best fidelity you can count on.