Автор Анна Евкова
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The invention of the phone is one of the important events in our world

The invention of the phone is one of the important events in our world. Somehow people used to live without him, and today we can’t imagine existence without this device. Many began to buy the most expensive, the latest editions of brand models and this is normal. Probably so I say, because one of these people. But as if there wasn’t, the phone with you and you are always in touch and in the course of all events!

Many people know that the phone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, but if you understand, the idea was developed, even when he was very small. It turns out that he simply appropriated this development. So who invented the first phone? It was Antonio Meucci. How did the long telephone history develop? Who invented the mobile phone? Let's try to understand.

Breakthrough in the field of communication development

The invention of electricity has become an important stage in the development of telephony. It was this discovery that allowed the transfer of information over distances. In 1837, after Morse introduced his telegraph alphabet and the broadcasting apparatus to the general public, the electronic telegraph began to be used everywhere. However, at the end of the 19th century, a more perfect device replaced it.

In what year did they invent the phone?

The phone owes its appearance, first of all, to the German scientist Philip Rice. It was this man who was able to design a device that allows people to transfer their voice over long distances, using galvanic current. This event occurred in 1861, but before the creation of the first telephone, there remained 15 more years.

The founder of the phone is Alexander Graham Bell, and the year of the invention of the phone is 1876. It was then that the Scottish scientist presented his first device at the World Exhibition, and also applied for a patent for the invention. Bell's phone worked for a distance of no more than 200 meters and had strong distortion of sound, but a year later the scientist improved the device so much that it was used unchanged for the next hundred years.

History of the invention of telephone.

The discovery of Alexander Bell was made at random in the process of experiments to improve the telegraph. The scientist's goal was to obtain a device that allows simultaneously transmitting more than 5 telegrams. For this, he created several pairs of plates tuned to a different frequency. During the next experiment there was a small accident, as a result of which one of the plates was stuck. Partner scientist, seeing what happened, began to swear. At this time Bell himself worked on the receiving device. At some point, he heard the faint sounds of indignation from the transmitter. So begins the history of the invention of the phone.

The patent received by Bell became one of the most profitable not only in the United States, but also in the world. The scientist became extremely rich and world famous. However, in fact, the first person who created the phone was not Alexander Bell, and in 2002 the US Congress recognized this.

Antonio Meucci: the pioneer of telephone communication.

The inventor and scientist from Italy in 1860 created an apparatus capable of transmitting sound over wires. When answering a question about the year in which the phone was invented, one can safely call this date, since the true discoverer is Antonio Meucci. He called his "child" a tele-phone. At the time of his discovery, the scientist lived in the United States of America, he was already at an age and was in a very deplorable financial situation. Soon the development of an unknown scientist was interested in a large American company - "Western Union".

Representatives of the company offered the scientist a solid amount for all the drawings and developments, and promised to assist in the preparation of the patent. A difficult financial situation forced a talented inventor to sell all the material of his research. The scientist long time waited for the help from the company, however, having lost patience; itself has applied for reception of the patent. His request was not granted, but a real blow for him was a message about the great invention of Alexander Bell.

Meucci tried to defend his rights in court, but he did not have enough money to fight a major company. The right to patent the Italian inventor managed to sue only in 1887, by the time of expiration of its validity. Meucci was never able to take advantage of the rights to his invention and died in obscurity and poverty. Recognition of the Italian inventor came only in 2002. According to the resolution of the US Congress, it was he who was the one who invented the first phone.

No matter how the story of the creation of the phone developed, today we are always in touch, even if we live thousands of kilometers apart. We have developed this device so much that we can now call relatives and friends for pleasure. Sometimes we call and we are silent, only to hear our native voice. The phone has brought us so close that the distances are almost invisible. The phone is a great invention of mankind!