Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The hospitality industry is one

The hospitality industry is one of the most rapidly and positively developing in Russia. In most developed countries, the hotel business also gives annual positive indicators, but the growth of interest in this industry in Russia is breaking all records. There are many reasons for this: from stagnation in many sectors of the economy in recent years, to macroeconomic factors that make domestic tourism attractive. Let's talk in this article about what is happening in this area of the economy, study the analysis of the hotel business in Russia and consider the causes of certain trends.

The reasons for the backlog of the tourism industry in Russia lie in the history of the XX century. The first half of it was a difficult time, when few people in the world had to think about traveling on their own. However, the Second World War ended, but the tragic period of the country's history did not end. While developing and developed countries, recovering from the military turmoil, began to work closely, the Soviet Union all closed the borders to a new turn of the castle. It is clear that the country was closed to both entry and exit.

The eighties were a turning point for the country, including for the tourism business. The Olympic Games, held for the first time on the territory of the USSR, required the opening of a mass of places for meeting and temporary residence of foreign guests. For the Olympics, a huge number of facilities were built, including accommodation for guests. The total number of hotels and Inns of various types was 7,000, and 700,000 guests could stay in them at a time. However, the turning point in recent history was not the impetus for the further preservation of the growth rate of the hotel industry. In the early nineties, the country suffered new economic and political turmoil, thanks to which most of the enterprises in the country sank into oblivion. There were about 3,000 hotels in all of new Russia. This continued until the mid-2000s, when statistics suddenly showed an increase in the number of visitors (mostly from CIS countries), which led to the need to open new enterprises in the hotel sector. The welfare of citizens grew, as well as the possibility of investment in domestic tourism, but until recent years, citizens preferred to rest outside the country. In recent years, the situation has changed dramatically.

Today in Russia there is an unprecedented growth in the hotel industry. In most countries of interest to travelers, the annual growth of tourism indicators is on average 4%. Russia in recent years has shown much greater success, dictated by a host of reasons, most of which are not life-affirming, but makes investment in this area is very, very attractive. Let us consider in more detail the reasons why the country is experiencing a kind of hotel boom.

The fall of the national currency.

About what happened to the ruble in the last couple of years, does not know, perhaps, only a child. We are interested in this situation in the context of the prospects of the hotel business. What does this fact tell us? Of course, the fall of the national currency does not Bode well for the economic situation as a whole. However, if you look at the situation from the point of view of the traveler, it becomes clear why in recent years hotels across the country appear like mushrooms after the rain. A huge number of people live below the poverty line in the country. This category of citizens, as could not afford to travel, and can not. However, middle-class citizens have recently annually boasted of their seals from Egyptian, Turkish, Greek, Spanish and other airports in passports. To date, in proportion to the price of the Euro to the ruble, the cost of foreign holidays for Russians has increased. Therefore, an increasing number of travelers prefer domestic holidays abroad, because the latter simply can not afford.

The closure of the most popular tourist destinations.

Of course, the closure of flights to Egypt and Turkey could not but affect the demand for domestic coasts. A relatively inexpensive alternative to these countries beloved by Russians are Tunisia, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. However, the frequent tragic cases in these countries also call into question the foreign vacation for the majority of Russians. Do not forget also that for certain categories of citizens the border was closed at all. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whether it is a simple district police officer or the head of the transport police of the railway station, can not travel outside the homeland on a legal basis. To date, there are very contradictory rumors that the border will also be closed to all civil servants, but there is no confirmation of this yet. Although the list of persons who are banned from leaving the country is expanding.

The growth of the attractiveness of domestic tourism in Russia.

In the last few years, Russia has hosted the largest competitive events in the World, such as the Universiade in the capital of Tatarstan; Sochi winter Olympics 2014; Eurovision music contest in Moscow; summits in Vladivostok, St. Petersburg and other cities. In 2018, the world Cup Will be held in our country.

These events not only involve the construction of hundreds of architectural structures and hotel complexes for visitors from all over the country and abroad. They attract the attention of the entire active population of the planet, increasing their interest in the knowledge of the Russian Federation. The world's biggest competitions also force government agencies to invest huge amounts of money in restoration work, the construction of new infrastructure, the laying of new roads, the opening of monuments and the preservation of cultural heritage. Cities that host dear guests naturally acquire a new facade, as well as demonstrate the best qualities of hospitable hosts, which can not but affect the prestige of recreation in the country. How can you forget about sanctions? Bans on entry of a small category of the ruling and business elite of the country led to a kind of "fashion" for domestic recreation. As a response to certain restrictions imposed by the EU, the US and Asia, Russia has introduced a focus on import substitution. It has also affected the tourist industry, not to a lesser extent. The government of srana is making various efforts to enhance the prestige of domestic recreation in the minds of citizens. Civil servants of all ranks rushed to Russian resorts as protests and support for the country's business. After them, ordinary citizens go to the resorts of Krasnodar Region and Crimea in a mass flow. The annexation of Crimea to Russia is the single strongest factor affecting the growth of hotel business in Russia. A huge number of tourists rushed to visit the Black Sea from a hitherto unknown angle, admire the beauty of the mountains and coasts of the Crimean Peninsula. In 2015, the number of tourists who prefer domestic holidays to foreign ones increased by 60%.