Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

"The Changing of my neighborhood"

Our city is small, but very beautiful. There are interesting parks and places. In the center of the city we have a square with a fountain and a park with a monument to fallen soldiers in the Great Patriotic War. An eternal flame burns in the park, the newlyweds lay flowers. In the summer a lot of people gather in the square. A special attraction of our city is the seaport. Many ships pass there every day: merchant, military and tourist.

As a rule, in your neighborhood you go the same way - to the subway, to the shops, to the bus station. Last fall, I saw garages and playgrounds being demolished in some places, asphalt was being changed somewhere. Today I went to the neighborhoods of my city, where I hadn’t been since last summer, and I was surprised to find out how everything had changed: football was replaced by a garage cooperative a playground, a volleyball one is very close, then a basketball court, a tennis one. New playgrounds, yard sports complexes for teenagers - and this is in almost every yard, near every house. Our city was built up in the 70s, there is no concentration of houses in one place, poplars are few, mostly lindens, chestnuts, in some places apples, plums, cherries are remnants of former gardens.

Over the past few years, the city where I live has changed a lot. The city is growing. Houses under construction, shops, playgrounds occupy huge territories. For this, many old trees were destroyed. There are practically no young landings. The city administration is badly engaged in gardening of vicinities. Near the new schools a lot of empty land. But in general, the city has become cleaner and tidier.

Our neighborhood is considered environmentally friendly. No harmful emissions from businesses and factories. But this is not enough. To save our native land, you need not only to stop cutting down trees, but also to plant new ones, not to litter. Through the media and other methods to promote the ideas of nature conservation and purity of the native land.