Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Read the story of William Somerset Maugham "Creative impulse"

Read the story of William Somerset Maugham "Creative impulse". I had to re-read the beginning of the story a second time after I had finished reading it all. Oh, those English times that let you say that one past time has passed before another past time!

As for the meaning of the story, I seemed to understand everything, but did not understand the most important thing - what the author meant to say.

I'll try to add meaning to this work myself. The story shows an inadequate writer who becomes popular after she decides to write her first detective story, having received a creative impetus from her husband and his mistress, who escaped from her.

Mrs. Forrestter, whose essay was so appreciated by the chosen audience: her husband went to her own cook, with whom he had come together on the basis of a common love for detectives, and immediately everything flew into the tartaras, it turned out that her whole house was held by her husband, and together with him, the past and material prosperity vanished, and the famous literary salon, where the most exquisite wines and cigars were served, turned out to be that the great stylist does not even know what her cook's name is ...

Perhaps Maugham in this way expressed his attitude to works written by writers detached from the world who do not want to read precisely because their personality itself repels and not even their books themselves.